Building My Own House

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Feb 8, 2025
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Hello! I live in Coastal NC and I am building my own house. I'm ready to plumb it. I have done basic plumbing repair before but never a full rough-in to finish and I have some questions. Hoping to find some answers here. Thanks!
Frame on block foundation. The clearance in the crawlspace is 18" minimum. There is a slope in the land, and there is actually 3.5' of crawlspace clearance on the end of the house where will be no plumbing. I'm toying with the idea of building a little storage bunker in there with a trap door under a rug in my office area.
Fire away, I live in south carolina and built my own home( it passed inspection):)
It's the venting that concerns me. I want to run only one 3" vent pipe through the roof. I know this is sufficient for two sinks, a shower, a commode, and a washer. (At most only two of these would ever run at once anyway.) I think I can wet vent the shower to the commode and make that connection to the vent stack under the house. Then dry combo vent the sinks to the vent stack (they are on either side of a wall), then finally dry vent the washer to the stack and punch that through the roof. Does that sound like it will work? Or am I asking for septic gas in my house with running it all through the same stack? I was going to do a complete wet vent system until I learned code forbids my kitchen sink being in with the commode.
It's the venting that concerns me. I want to run only one 3" vent pipe through the roof. I know this is sufficient for two sinks, a shower, a commode, and a washer. (At most only two of these would ever run at once anyway.) I think I can wet vent the shower to the commode and make that connection to the vent stack under the house. Then dry combo vent the sinks to the vent stack (they are on either side of a wall), then finally dry vent the washer to the stack and punch that through the roof. Does that sound like it will work? Or am I asking for septic gas in my house with running it all through the same stack? I was going to do a complete wet vent system until I learned code forbids my kitchen sink being in with the commode.
I wet vented my shower to the main trunk line going to the septic( under the house( of course with Ptraps) i dry vented all the sinks( 4 all nearby but in different rooms) to the main stack going through the roof...these connections were madein the attic space, just above the stud sounds like you will be fine, but let me suggest you make a rough sketch of it and go by your building codes office before they go out into the field and ask them...I had to do that on several occasions throughout the building process and an inspector was very helpful! They probably would liike you to do it this way instead of arguing with you over a big tear our county, it must have been getting so bad that the building inspectors are now armed
Looking back on living for the past 30 years in the house from hell, some suggestions:

  • Regarding crawlspace - encapsulate it now.
  • Not sure how old you are, but having children in a house with a crawlspace is like living in a drum. I went from a slab to a crawlspace and was stunned by the increase in noise.
  • Make sure your main line cutoff is easily accessible. Mine was buried. Make it easy to turn off the water.
  • Install a whole house leak detection system. Just do it.