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Lugging around heavy equipment for 40 years is what caused most of us to have back problems. Jackhammers, water heaters
heating & cooling equipment and etc.
Yes I do feel sorry for you and it did a toll on you. I would probably feel the same way you do if it happened to me
or my wife.
Unless they have changed the propaganda for it. Wish I never took it.
I had the real deal and I thought I was going to die! And with the prospect of having it reoccur as a result of the jab, I said no.

Have you noticed the most of the adverts by Big Pharma come with the disclaimer that death could occur? No frappin’ way!
I think as we age, we all get these infirmities. I have a couple I could do without... I got the new shingles vaccine, it screwed up my nervous system.. if you watch the commercials, it even says it can cause guillian-barr . Plus I have a bulging disc.. they want to cut me open from the belly side, take it out, roll me over, open me up from the back and do some kind of fusion. I think not. My normal doc said to me. ... only last resort,, the leading cause of back surgery iss... back surgery. So I bought a decompression machine and use that.. it does help.but the shingles shot has caused my whole right side to be weak, cramps, shake hands, some drop foot. Peripheral neuropathy...Don't don't don't ever take that shot. And if you have and not gotten the side effects, then your lucky.
I'm solidly in the non-vax camp now. Oh yes I am fighting PMR where my own body is trying to kill me. On prednisone every day for that. Slow taper to get off of it.
Sorry for the owie rant. Oh, yes plus the other old man stuff, high blood pressure, diabetes, and now he is talking about cholesterol....
I think I need to go back to bed...
Hey, Lud, re: your back issue, I recommend checking out TOPS. It's a new, to the US, procedure which is much more less invasive surgery on the spine. It can maintain your flexibility, while affording less down time. Visit Premiaspine.com. I'm awaiting an appt at the Mayo to determine if I am a. qualified candidate for this. If not, I guess I'll go the laminectomy route.
Hang in there!!
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Hey, Lud, re: your back issue, I recommend checking out TOPS. It's a new, to the US, procedure which is much more less invasive surgery on the spine. It can maintain your flexibility, while affording less down time. Visit Premiaspine.com. I'm awaiting an appt at the Mayo to determine if I am a. qualified candidate for this. If not, I guess I'll go the laminectomy route.
Hang in there!!
Thanks, for me, I'll stick with decompression.. at least until it doesn't work. 20 minutes 2x a week.
I had the real deal and I thought I was going to die! And with the prospect of having it reoccur as a result of the jab, I said no.

Have you noticed the most of the adverts by Big Pharma come with the disclaimer that death could occur? No frappin’ way!
All of these I hear on tv... who would use things ? You would have to be oblivious, or just uninformed.
bluesky, all the things breaking sounds like my luck. Glad you were able to get things fixed and hope you can sort out the pain situation. I pulled something in my back trying to hang my anti-slip tub mat up over the shower curtain rod (I hang it up to dry because I don't want the suction cups leaving rust stains from the hard water on the walls of the shower again).

My back is protesting my attempts to get up and do something productive.

I don't know much about football and intend to keep it that way.

Fippy and Princess have matching dog beds that they are sleeping in among the pile of blankets and some laundry that they keep pulling into nests. When I took the picture I didn't even realize Princess was in the shot. LOL.
Havasu, you've got better eyes than I do! I couldn't figure out what I was looking at in Zanne's pic. Now I can tell there is a dog in there somewhere but, for the life of me, I cannot find a cat that's assuming Princess is a cat.

We went out looking for chicken wings for tomorrow's big do but found none at both the stores we went to. We had to settle for a bird of a different feather. To wit:

Super Bowl LIX Chicken Wings.jpg
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Havasu, you've got better eyes than I do! I couldn't figure out what I was looking at in Zanne's pic. Now I can tell there is a dog in there somewhere but, for the life of me, I cannot find a cat that's assuming Princess is a cat.

We went out looking for chicken wings for tomorrow's big do but found none at both the stores we went to. We had to settle for a bird of another feather. To wit:

View attachment 48014
I could never tolerate paying 1 dollar per wing. (Especiall with how small most of them are) So we never get them. But I'm sure there more now. I used to see adds for 50 cent wings at wing kings on certain days.
There used to be a place where it was all you could eat wings at lunch time. I think the best I ever did was 30. Had a contest with my boss, I think he had 33.
Be lucky if I could eat 8 or 10 now though.
When I was young, dumb and full of ________it, my friend Jim and I used to do Saturdays at the local Hooter's restaurant where we'd consume 50 drums-only wings, breaded and not "naked", in Three Mile Island sauce and be able to down a couple of rounds of celery sticks with ranch dressing as well without any problem.

As you mentioned, I am down to a "kid-sized" portion which is five wings and some fries and can barely get those down.
When I was young, dumb and full of ________it, my friend Jim and I used to do Saturdays at the local Hooter's restaurant where we'd consume 50 drums-only wings, breaded and not "naked", in Three Mile Island sauce and be able to down a couple of rounds of celery sticks with ranch dressing as well without any problem.

As you mentioned, I am down to a "kid-sized" portion which is five wings and some fries and can barely get those down.
Was that 50 each ? That's a bunch !!!!
Princess is also a dog. Only her back end was visible.
This is what Princess looks like when you can see her face
She's bigger than Fippy but still weighs under 20lbs.

I finally got myself motivated and cleaned litterboxes. Two of them were at the point that there was no point in sifting so I took them out and dumped them in the burn pile, then scraped out any remaining crud. Gravy Jones was ecstatic to have fresh litter. One of the cats, not sure which one, still decided to crap in the hallway several feet away though. Not sure which one was the culprit. I need to set up a litterbox in the living room for when Boo and Itsy get in there. Boo likes to sleep in there sometimes. He really loves to sit on Mom's lap when she's at her computer.

I measured the pump house as best as I could and then checked the union inside for cracks. No cracks that I could see so I'm not sure why it is leaking.
Did some cleanup to make sure my friend could access under the sink. The bottom of the cabinet crumbled and it turns out there is a hole rotted in the floor. Will have to patch them both.
Had all my parts and tools ready for my friend and as he was on his way I was dry-fitting and realized that the shutoff I curbside ordered that was supposed to be 1/2" fip to 3/8" compression wouldn't fit. Box said it was the right thing but when I compared the item inside to the picture it wasn't the same thing. Someone had taken the correct fitting out of the box and swapped them. Friend got there and I showed him. Gonna see if HD will let me exchange it. If not I'll just buy another one. Didn't realize the box had been opened-- it wasn't sealed.
So, didn't get the cold water hooked up today but am hoping to later this week.
At least my friend fixed the leaking union. He said the O-ring wasn't seated properly. He put it back in properly and tightened it. I'm going to check it later but there was a lot of water from when he had to open it up. Had shut the water off and used the boiler drain to clear the line so a lot of water came out.
Zanne, what kind of union did you have that took an o-ring?
This one https://www.homedepot.com/p/Apollo-...ip-Joint-x-Slip-Joint-Union-PVCU114/317901070
The part that twists on has an O-ring inside.

I took the fitting that was wrong back to Home Depot and explained the wrong part was in the box. I showed the associate that the fitting was still brand new and that it did not match what was on the box. I got a gift card with the exact amount on it and then went to buy another one. Made sure it was correct this time.

took my brother to our favorite chinese place for his birthday, picked up samsclub order, got takeout for Mom.

My oldest cat just ran in here and climbed on me and is up in my face now.
This one https://www.homedepot.com/p/Apollo-...ip-Joint-x-Slip-Joint-Union-PVCU114/317901070
View attachment 48048
The part that twists on has an O-ring inside.

I took the fitting that was wrong back to Home Depot and explained the wrong part was in the box. I showed the associate that the fitting was still brand new and that it did not match what was on the box. I got a gift card with the exact amount on it and then went to buy another one. Made sure it was correct this time.

took my brother to our favorite chinese place for his birthday, picked up samsclub order, got takeout for Mom.

My oldest cat just ran in here and climbed on me and is up in my face now.
My neighbor had a bunch of cats, maybe 11 or 12, she let them run free. But everyday, she will open the back door and holler there names (time to eat) and you would see al. Those cats running in from every direction.
But she is down to 2 kitties. Don't have any idea what happened to them.. trapped, eaten, just wandering.. who knows. But the 2 she has are 1 male and one female (not fixed) so im sure it wont be long before she is restocked. She wont get them fixed. Cant afford it.