What is this jelly stuff under my toilet?

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New Member
May 28, 2011
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I am replacing the floor in my bathroom and so I removed the toilet and this is what I found. What is this gelatin like stuff? Are the studs supposed to be dancing around? I have never taken a toilet off before and already know that this does not look right. I am going to clean the area real well and after that I'm not sure what to do with it. If someone can point me towards what I need to do to make this right, I would greatly appreciate it. I never knew that is what the hole where everything goes looks like, made me laugh. Headed to HD in a bit. Thanks in advance.

The jelly like stuff is the wax ring that seals the toilet to the drain piping.

It appears as though the flange has broken in the past and has had a spanner flange repair used on it. Buy a new set of closet bolts, and make sure that they come with 4 nuts and 4 washers. Use the extra washers and nuts to clamp the bolts onto the flange, making sure that the bolts are equidistant from the back wall. Scrape all of the old wax off, and you will need a new wax ring as well.
It appears as though the flange has broken in the past and has had a spanner flange repair used on it.

Good Eye. I had to look at it again

Here are a couple helpful links from previous posts.


Something that no one mention when resetting a toilet; you should set the toilet in place with out the wax seal and make sure it sits firmly on the floor with out rocking. Tile floors are notorius for being uneven. Even a little rocking will cause problems later. shim it where needed ,then set the wax.
