What do I need to replace?

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Active Member
Jul 5, 2020
Reaction score
Pinellas County FL
Hey folks, it's the part on the right, the gray doohickey that I hold down to get more water in the bowl. Because the bowl doesn't fill back up all the way
IMG_20240602_105925650.jpg when I flush with either button. What should I replace or is there an adjustment I'm not seeing?Thanks! 🙏
there is flow control (blue knob with pointer) and float adjustment (round knob) on the fill valve.
It is Fluidmaster 400H Performax series....endless videos i presume on youtube
It's tough to tell from the angle of the picture but the fill valve height looks low.
The black hose should be spraying water into the hole of the blue cap when the tank refills. Does that happen?