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Right now the superchargers consume power at a rate of 150 to 350 kW depending on the version.
If I am doing the math correctly and current (I) is equal to the power (P) divided by the voltage (V), 350kw at 240 volts would be about 1,458 amps. Correct me if I've got that wrong but that's going to require an upgrade to the service provided to the house. Maybe even a separate transformer!
Right and wrong, probably correct in your calculations, wrong in your interpretation. That number--STARTING at 350kW, is for the Tesla "Supercharger" and these are most definitely NOT located in private homes. These are part of the Tesla commercial network located around the country. The Tesla Level II charger for home use is what I installed: a 240VAC unit requiring a dedicated 60A circuit (two hots, two x 60AMP breakers tied together).

FWIW all this stuff is in its infancy, much like the early 20th century before gas stations were commonplace. One of my neighbors took a trip in their new Model Y up to Virginia and they were nearly "empty" of "juice" when they got to their destination. In the middle of the night he goes in search of a charger according to the Tesla map...as a trickle charger won't cut it when you are down to electronic "vapors".
Electric cars are not a thing out here in oil territory. LOL. Oil companies are fighting tooth and nail to keep it that way.

Waiting for Mom to get out of the bathroom to go to DMV. If she didn't just go back to bed...
Electric cars are not a thing out here in oil territory. LOL. Oil companies are fighting tooth and nail to keep it that way.
They are a pretty big deal here in Loudoun County, VA. People have more money than sense or so it seems. But, hey, it's a capitalist society, for now, so let those with the purchasing power decide.
They are a pretty big deal here in Loudoun County, VA. People have more money than sense or so it seems. But, hey, it's a capitalist society, for now, so let those with the purchasing power decide.
Well said. When we went on our 3000 mile trip a few weeks ago, I only saw one charger at a WalMart. I didn't see any EV's, but did see alot of high HP, big gas consuming cars and trucks.
If they had a better charging and battery system I could see it working out. But the technology is not there yet.

This morning I got up and went down to the workshop to prime some of the new pieces of trim- the side pieces and the bottom front piece that will go in front of the tub. I didn't bring my phone for pics though.

Came back up and had my brother press on the wall panel while I drilled pilot holes from the inside. Went pretty smoothly. He said he didn't feel anything pushing when I drilled so that's a good sign. The cabinet lift thingies wouldn't grab the tub floor to stay still to brace.

I had to get a corded drill bit from the workshop to fit the shanks on the drill bit and hole saw. That plywood gave the hole saw a fight but it finally went through. Now I need to seal it, paint the trim when it dries, & clean up some of the L-bead trim exposed spots, doublecheck some measurements, get things cut, caulk, & do touch-up paint. Once the trim is up I have one more hole to drill for the shower arm. The brace for the shower arm needs to be moved up (old piece of plywood was used so we can re-use it if we don't break it when removing it). Got a 2x4 in case it breaks. And I have plenty of scrap wood lying around.

Waiting for the caulk curing is going to be rough. LOL. I want to use that shower so badly.
The abridged version thus far is I've cleaned, dropped stuff, tripped over stuff, had 3 small appliances (can opener, toaster, & air fryer) break, & got screamed at for not reading Mom's mind. Also, bc she didn't listen worth damn when I told her the appliances were broken so I couldn't cook what she wanted. (I did use a manual can opener at least, but I was afraid I'd break something messing with a frying pan).

Time to go for a curbside pickup and hope that the trifecta of bad luck is it.
I hate those kind of days, Z. Sometimes it is just better to go back to bed and the next day, many of the problems aren't big problems anymore.
Yeah, I remember how many times you've said you busted your toes so I know you have had those days. I still need to find the new toaster somewhere but I hit myself in the head with the door on my way out so after my curbside pickup, mail pickup, and dropping something off at my friend's house I'm sitting in bed with my feet up & hoping nothing else breaks. I know it could be worse.

Hoping I can get Mom to look up the info to contact the company about the warranty on the air fryer. For now I have taped the door shut so it won't fall open and break the glass. Need to get the serial number off of it. Might be on the bottom. I usually keep the boxes for appliances but I believe I threw this one out. I'll look for it more later when I feel like I won't end up falling and getting a broomstick in my eye.
Is the door on the air fryer spring loaded, or does it use a magnetic catch? Sounds like a fun little project.
Is the door on the air fryer spring loaded, or does it use a magnetic catch? Sounds like a fun little project.
I'm not certain. I'm guessing spring. No magnets. A magnet might make it close better IF heat didn't deactivate them. Heat is the death of magnets sadly. If I could figure out how to fix it I would. I know that there is some sort of sensor that knows when the door is closed. I think there may have been a spring that came off but I can't find it. If I could I'd try to put it back on. There is a screw going nowhere and a screw hole on something on the door, but they don't line up when the door is closed so I'm guessing there was something in between them. I'm hoping I can get someone on Amazon to post a closeup video of the details on that hinge. Right now even taped shut it isn't fully closed. I guess now is a good time to take it apart and clean it more thoroughly and see if I can shake whatever part fell off out onto a magnetic tray or something. If I knew how the thing worked maybe I could come up with a sturdier mechanism.

Right now I'm under a pile of cats letting their purrs lower my blood pressure.
Unboxed miter saw stand. Instructions were too small to read. Picked up friend after 5pm and he was able to read them and set the stand up. Got the miter saw unboxed and on the stand. I cut a zip tie off of the saw and it startled me when it sprang up. Friend had unboxed one before and knew it was going to do that.

Got trim cut and some of it put up. Friend got nauseous from adhesive smell and was exhausted so we called it after he got the pex lines hooked up to the valve. Still need to do the showerhead but it takes 48hrs for the adhesive to cure & friend wasn't up to it. I understand completely.

Folded up miter saw stand (with miter saw on it) and stuffed it in the pantry.

Drove him to get food, dropped him off, went to Walmart & then got gas. Currently resting bc I'm exhausted and sore.
Ongoing work at a clients. This Lakeside home has a pool in the backyard. They just had a new block wall built, filled, and now they hired me to install 24 glass panels that sit in these stainless steel stanchions. Each stanchion requires four six-inch holes to be drilled in the masonry wall, for the 3/8 inch stainless steel anchors. The project continues.


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Looks like a fun job! I hope the survey lines put the wall well within the property line. My next door neighbor had his next door neighbor put up a 6 foot tall wooden fence and he encroached on his property line by 8". He had to pull the 4 x 4 posts and concrete and do it all over again.
The mother of one of my friends had some nice big topiaries as a border to her property. They were completely on her property but apparently the back neighbor didn't like them and illegally cut them down. They were expensive ones that had been growing for years. I don't know if she ever pressed charges or sued. I hope she did. That sort of thing would really piss me off in her situation.

I was messing around with shims to see what would work for my side trim pieces. Found a solution that should work but I need my miter saw to cut a few things. With the stand its 70lbs and I'm not sure if I can pick it up and get the legs extended, but I can try. My left arm is being a little hateful today though.

The dog just saw me stretch and thought it was an invitation to come plop herself down on me and impede my right arm. LOL.