Tesla advertises that but from what I've heard their customer service is garbage. Someone was driving their new Tesla & felt weird bumping. They got out and it was in fire. It burned up on the road. It took weeks for anyone from Tesla to get back to the owner & when they did they suggested taking it in to a repair shop. There was not much left to take in. Over a month after it happened the were still not getting any answers from Tesla about it.
Got up early & started clearing stuff out of the truck trying to find some caulk I know I bought. Searched all over the house and in my bathroom as well. It disappeared. Will probably turn up when I no longer need it. Yesterday I got the corner trim pieces primed.
I got the box with the miter saw brought in. It's surprisingly light. The stand is 50lbs and the saw is 20lbs.
Worked on sanding and polishing the repair job on the tub. It's still ugly but better than nothing. The included wet sandpaper actually made it worse because it was black and the black color game off on to the repair and didn't fully come off with polishing. I got a polishing kit for my dremel that will hopefully be better than the one that came with the kit. The shank on the polishing wheel was too thin for my dremel tool.
I forgot to get brad nails but I think my brad nailer has some. I also got construction adhesive for the PVC trim to go along with nails. Gonna be "fun" getting the brad nailer and air compressor down. My friend put the air compressor on the top shelf. I can't get it down by myself.
On my way home I saw a red eared slider on the road. I'm fond of turtles so I stopped and nudged it off the road carefully. It was very confused. I didn't want to scare it more by picking it up to see if it was male or female (You can tell by the bottom carapace-- if it is concave it its male, if its convex its female.

Yesterday I discovered I'm able to lift my left arm up from the side and bring it above my head and almost to the center above my head-- without having to push or pull on it with my other arm. First time in months I've been able to do that. I still can't get it completely straight up, but I need to work on that. I can reach up to the higher shelf on mom's desk without any problems now. It took so much effort to do that just a few weeks ago.