Tried gravity boots once, about passed out, can't go upside down. Decompression by traction was my option to go to.Gravity inversion boots or table! Hang in there baby!
Tried gravity boots once, about passed out, can't go upside down. Decompression by traction was my option to go to.Gravity inversion boots or table! Hang in there baby!
Same here. At least with the table, if you pass out and it is adjusted properly, you "should" return to the normal upright position.Tried gravity boots once, about passed out, can't go upside down. Decompression by traction was my option to go to.
Not sure if I could deal with that passing out part. But, if it works for you.. !Same here. At least with the table, if you pass out and it is adjusted properly, you "should" return to the normal upright position.
I’m in the same situation, I only have part A and my Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal plan . Fepblue does not require you to take part B. If you retire after Jan 1 2024 , you are required to take part B under the new Federal program. Part A is free and is hospitalization only.I have Medicare A only and my Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield that I had while working and, as far as I know, Medicare hasn’t stuck its nose between my healthcare providers and my Blue Cross insurance at any time. Why would Medicare need to get involved?
I am pretty tired of that woman coming on my tv talking about butt cracks, some things I just don't want to know!Try Lume! They say it works “everywhere”!
RMD is Required Minimum Distribution, the FED gov MAKES retirees pull a certain % of their $$$ out of retirement accounts, each year, to tax them on it, if enough $$$'s to make it taxable...... just another way the gov steals $$$'s from the little guy......I don't even know what an RMD is. Retirement something?
Blueskyhigh, glad they took care of more of the ulcers in your wife. I learned the hard way not to take too many NSAIDs. I used to be taking like 1200mg of Ibuprofen at least 2x a day for years. I had (and still have) chronic pain. Don't get the migraines as much now though.
I've forgiven Mom and am not mad about the tax forms. I've blamed other people (but not said anything to them about it) for stuff going missing before and then found it. I know how it can go. I forget where I put things all the time.
Meanwhile, I'm about to lose my mind over the stupidity of Medicare. They approved of the insulin pump but now reneged and will not approve it and I'm trying to explain to the diabetes place that the type of insulin Mom takes is the equivalent of taking more than 3 doses a day. They keep changing what the requirements are to get approval and its pissing me off. I will have to either call Medicare or talk to the NP who prescribed the pump. I also explained that she's on a CGM so she has her sugar checked constantly and that the type of insulin she takes is not working properly which is why she needs the pump paired with the CGM.
Also, the AC keeps not cooling until I flip breakers off for a few seconds and then wait several minutes before telling the thermostat to turn it back on. Not sure what is up with that.
Need to get the car AC fixed in the CR-V as well. Saw my brother driving out with the window down as I was heading back from the pharmacy.
Friend called me today. He owns a 4 plex apartment with a common laundry room. He was told this morning there was an inch of water in the laundry room. I went over to help clean up, but couldnt find the source. We ran a load of wash, and removed the wet insulation cover on the 100 gallon water heater. No water was under the washer. We then ran water in the adjoining apartment but that was dry. We then saw a trickle of water coming from under the water heater. It was a Rheem built 9/04, so he got 19 years on it. I told him to call a plumber. The water heater was $3900, and $1800 to install it. Holy crap!
Glad it is not my money!
What are your prices for a 100 gallon w/h, and what is your normal install pr
Yes! Well, Mom actually did them, but I doublechecked to make sure stuff was right and got her state taxes submitted. She'd already submitted her federal taxes. It looks like she might not have to print them out and send them this time around. I hope that is the case at least.@Zanne have you got those taxes done?
The eclipse was totally AWESOME !
The moon casts a 90-mile wide shadow, through which you can see stars in the sky in mid-afternoon. It's not full darkness, the sun is still lighting the ground all around the horizon beyond the edges of that shadow. Instead of a sunset in the West, it looks like a sunset 360° all the way around the horizon.
360° Spherical View. Click&Drag to rotate to any viewing angle.
We were lucky with the weather. It was pouring rain and solid overcast when we woke up. But the edge of that weather system moved away to the East just in time to open up blue skies for the eclipse. There were only a few very high wispy clouds, which I think even helped, as the black shadow in the sky in the clouds was that much more obvious.Very cool. What was your location?