Happy Leap Day folks! If you were born on this day in whatever year you were born in, please celebrate accordingly!
Thanks you Zanne and you I now know a new word!Practically every date I’ve ever been on would qualify as “kidnapping by inveiglement"
"the narrative on Fox and coming out from the GOP public statements."They are getting on buses under false pretenses, which falls under the legal term "kidnapping by inveiglement". IF they are deemed illegal then it is also alien smuggling. Transporting them across state lines is a crime. Any vehicle used to transport them is subject to asset forfeiture by ICE. Multiple wrongs do not make it right. A lot of the people they convinced to get on the bus did actually come through legal border crossings. Statements given by Border Patrol/ICE contradict the narrative on Fox and coming out from the GOP public statements.
I slept in a bit and am waiting to see how Mom is feeling so we can go to the store and get her some stuff for our friend's wedding (and later for my cousin's son's wedding).
There wasn’t a problem until Biden was elected. Oh…..and guess what ? Biden doesn’t think there’s a problem…….but it’s election year isn’t it !!!!!Less than a month ago, the Senate passed a bi-partisan bill that would have increased border security. The white said they would sign it. If the house speaker would have put it to a vote, it likely would have passed. This would have been a decent first step to solve this problem. but instead the republicans in congress want to make everyone miserable. please call them and tell them to put the country ahead of politics, we need to get this solved.
Less than a month ago, the Senate passed a bi-partisan bill that would have increased border security. The white said they would sign it. If the house speaker would have put it to a vote, it likely would have passed. This would have been a decent first step to solve this problem. but instead the republicans in congress want to make everyone miserable. please call them and tell them to put the country ahead of politics, we need to get this solved.
So you would rather the problem continue as is, rather than start limiting the immigration? Legislation is never perfect, if we can reduce significant immigration that is a plus. btw, this issue is over 50 years old. After Regan granted immunity to immigrants there was supposed to be immigration reform. congress never acted.Fool me once, shame on you, fool me a couple of dozen times, shame on me. The only decent first step is to close the border. There was so much garbage in that senate bill as to make it ludicrous. "The white"? Seriously? Polls across the country asking legal immigrants results in the same conclusion - close the border. The problem is the lawless left in this country, and you know it.
Good luck with that one ! It's a good idea though. Can these people vote ?I’d like to see a couple hundred new prisons built and longer prison sentences without parole.
I’d also like to see armed drones and armed military protecting our southern border and stop the illegal drugs from flooding our country.
Try to cross our border anywhere other than designated points and you get a warning shot, if you don’t stop then the use of deadly force would be used.
The flow of illegals would stop overnight…..
Why do some people think that the only way to fix a problem is to throw more money at it? It's not a resource issue! It's a policy issue that Uncle Joe could fix with an E.O. that reinstated the policies of the former administration. A new law would be about as effective as a new gun law would make gang members, murderers and crazy people refrain from obtaining and using guns to commit mayhem.So you would rather the problem continue as is, rather than start limiting the immigration? Legislation is never perfect, if we can reduce significant immigration that is a plus. btw, this issue is over 50 years old. After Regan granted immunity to immigrants there was supposed to be immigration reform. congress never acted.
also, other countries levy large fines on businesses that hire undocumented workers, we slap their wrist, only lightly. why don't we levy bigger fines?
That would include NOT getting any news from "Fox News", "Newsmax" or any other such BS. You won't get too many facts there....If we would look at the facts and do our own thinking we might not be so polarized in our opinions...
And, sadly, the only place you will see that is on Fox.I trust my eyes when I see thousands of illegal immigrants crossing our border and most of them are military aged mean and some from countries that are our known enemies.
Nevermind what’s being said. It’s what I’m seeing.
The guy is a stooge for the left. He will do anything he’s told to do. He’s got dementia and it’s obvious.And we all were duped into thinking that the current POTUS would unite us. Shame on me for even attempting to believe that horse puckey!
AP? NPR?? Those two lean so far to the left that it ain't funny!
Send them all back if they didn’t come here legally. Yes all of them.As bluesky pointed out, this problem goes back a long time. Southwest Florida, near Naples, became a refuge for Italians chased out of Texas. Should we deport them? How about the Irish who came here illegally due to the famine? This is not a new problem. As a country we need legal immigrants, we just have very old laws to deal with the issue. As far as I am concerned, I would rather try to solve 80% of the problem than keep the status quo. It appears the right just wants an issue they can complain about.
I agree completely, but again, good luck with thatSend them all back if they didn’t come here legally. Yes all of them.
My family didn’t die for this country to let some fat politician decide which laws they want to enforce.
We are currently being invaded by thousands of military aged men from almost every country on the globe. This problem has grown exponentially since Biden was elected.