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Tall Daughter told me yesterday that her husband could go to the cabin in the Cascades on Sunday and check if there are frozen pipes and a leak. The HOA president has said there is a leak in our water system and water use went up 300% for February. Scott has had a bad case of vertigo and appreciate that he will make the trip. I'm 1000 miles south or would check it out. I haven't had a pipe pop in the last 20-years, but maybe this is the year. Fingers crossed.

Last time I had a pipe brake, I had 4-inches of water in the crawl space, but no damage to the rest of the house.
Tall Daughter told me yesterday that her husband could go to the cabin in the Cascades on Sunday and check if there are frozen pipes and a leak. The HOA president has said there is a leak in our water system and water use went up 300% for February. Scott has had a bad case of vertigo and appreciate that he will make the trip. I'm 1000 miles south or would check it out. I haven't had a pipe pop in the last 20-years, but maybe this is the year. Fingers crossed.

Last time I had a pipe brake, I had 4-inches of water in the crawl space, but no damage to the rest of the house.
Tall daughter huh 🤔, I’ll make a note of that.
Tall Daughter sounds like a Native name. LOL.

Yeah, weird how it is hot here but still snowing in other places. Even California got snow while it was in the 80s here. So happy the AC will get replaced soon. I can handle cold because I bundle up and get my kitties and doggies under the covers with me. Plus the heat part of the AC does work. But with the heat, I can't take off my layers of fat to cool off. LOL.

I was exhausted today so I slept almost all day. Got up briefly a few times but was in total zombie mode and conked out again quickly. I pulled trash bag out of the can and just about fell over afterward. I had to move some stuff that fell out of Mom's way and managed to cut my finger on something. A bin of stuff fell over and I stumbled trying to pick it up and decided I better lie back down. Coordination is too off today. I want to get the place cleaned up more in case the AC people need to come inside.

Friend was too busy with work to be able to come out and help thus far. We'll see if he's busy tomorrow though. Might be kept up at work bc of Spring Break and more customers coming through the casino arcades.
What did I do today? I started springing forward! Man, do I hate the 2nd Sunday in March! I've got over forty (40) clocks and watches to set ahead one hour most of which are not radio controlled, auto-set or slaved to the GPS signal I've got set up on my network. Some will be in need of battery replacement too!

Quotable quotes (all in humor): 1) A man, or woman, with more than one clock never really knows what time it is and 2) even a stopped clock, and our beloved president, is right twice a day.

Public Service Announcement: Replace the batteries in your smoke, CO and radon detectors if it's time to do so.
My hallway smoke detector chose 2 nights ago, at 3 am, to start sending those annoying chirps every 2 minutes. It almost got a ride into the trashcan, but instead, I did replace the battery. Now I just need to change the other 5 smoke alarms around the house.
Tall daughter huh 🤔, I’ll make a note of that.

Tall Daughter told me yesterday that her husband could go to the cabin in the Cascades on Sunday and check if there are frozen pipes and a leak. The HOA president has said there is a leak in our water system and water use went up 300% for February. Scott has had a bad case of vertigo and appreciate that he will make the trip. I'm 1000 miles south or would check it out. I haven't had a pipe pop in the last 20-years, but maybe this is the year. Fingers crossed.

Last time I had a pipe brake, I had 4-inches of water in the crawl space, but no damage to the rest of the house.

Scott came through and visited the cabin Sunday Morning. No leaks!! I will sleep well tonight. cabin3.jpg
I've been cleaning in the house. I'm having to save up my Naprosyn bc I couldn't refill the RX since it was over $200 just for 50 pills. I need to see if a different number of pills can trigger Singlecare to give a discount. I meant to get bloodwork today but the AC replacement took longer than I thought.

Man, that much snow on the roof means you don't have any leaks of heat in the cabin. It looks neat.

Got up early and cleared stuff, poured carpet powder all over to kill some of the odors, sprayed air freshener. One of the guys has a sister who has 16 cats so he'd familiar with the issues of having a lot of cats in the house. He liked the kitties and laughed when he heard me address Gravy Jones. The guy helped me carry out a trash bag he saw me struggling with. They got the new unit installed and were very pleasant and nice. No complaints about the mess or the smell. Said they understood and were happy to get work. Plus I was actively cleaning while they were here. Had to go to the grocery store afterward and picked up mail. My body hates me but I'm now comfortable with AC working.

I'm about to eat a salad and have to remember not to eat after midnight since I will get bloodwork tomorrow.
I'm about to eat a salad and have to remember not to eat after midnight since I will get bloodwork tomorrow.
Good luck with the bloodwork. For me, I am going in for that surgery I mentioned earlier on. In my telephonic intake briefing with the doctor, he said that the surgery may leave a scar and I told him, "Sir, that would be a marked improvement."
I am sure he already knows this but a public service announcement to Tall Daughter's hubby Scott: Be careful if you try and get up on the roof to clean the snow off. A friend of mine in Upstate New York slipped and fell to his death while shoveling snow off his roof a few winters ago.
I can't wait to get Fox war correspondent Ben Hall's new book "Saved" that comes out today. If you don't believe in God after hearing his story of his young daughter "coming to him" in that car blown up by a Russian bomb and telling him he needs to get out of that car, you need to find and watch the interview. Don't fail me Amazon!
Blueskyhigh, I'd take a scar over other issues too. I remember getting some annoying skin tags removed when I was younger and the nurse was saying I'd be bothered by the scars. I said scars were better than lumps that caught on things and irritated me. I already have a big scar above my eye from tripping and hitting it on the corner of the coffee table as a toddler. Scars don't bother me. I saw in another thread they left a zigzag scar on you. Glad it seems everything went well. How are you feeling now?

I had to do some running around to get my bloodwork. The new girls working at my doctor's office sent me to the hospital to get blood drawn. Girl at the hospital was saying "It's going to be $218 if you get it here. I KNOW it's cheaper if they take it over there" so she got right on the phone and asked them if they would do it so it was only $89. Very sweet of her. I'd gotten the scrip from my doctor's office to get my bloodwork and then went to the hospital and waited. Then went back to my doctor's office to wait some more. As I was sitting there, I saw a guy with down's syndrome who looked very familiar. He was dressed very nicely and I commented on his hat. He was shaking people's hands and when I waved to him, he rushed over to hug me. I heard them say his name and realized he recognized me even though we haven't seen each other in over a decade. He used to visit my elderly friend's house as a child. He's the younger brother of one of my brother's classmates. Very sweet guy. His mom was saying he had heart failure recently but he didn't look in bad shape. It was good to see him again.

I'm currently trying to find out more info about tankless water heater systems. My friend is fuming right now because the city broke a main waterline on his street and it flooded his yard. He called to complain and got the "We're working on it" answer but there is no one out there working on it. It destabilized the ground his water heater was sitting on. The stand tipped, broke, and then his water heater fell and hit a cinderblock and got a hole in it. He's out in his yard trying to dig a trench to the ditch to get the water to go down but he is pissed. With this mayor they will refuse to reimburse him for anything AND the water company will probably charge him and everyone on the street for the excess water use even though its before their meters (they always do whenever there is damage). Mayor used taxpayer $$$ to buy himself a new Mercedes and is one corrupt jerk. We used to know him back in the 80s when he was ripping off the Boy Scouts.

Anyway, it took a bit for the nurse to find a vein (poked with her finger). I normally get major anxiety waiting for blood draws but I reminded myself that the last several times weren't bad and this nurse is very good at getting blood on the first try. I pinched my leg to distract myself and she got 2 vials.

Went over to the tire place afterward and had them put on my new cv axle. They said the wheelbearing was still ok but that it looked like the honda dealership broke the CV axle when they did the wheelbearing work back in December. It was driving better as I left and wasn't making noise until I picked up speed. Still making a thudding noise but it felt better when driving. Stopped to put gas in the truck & put in Seafoam high mileage cleaner. I still need to change the engine air filter. It started raining so I abandoned plans to go into Walmart.

Was going to take a shower at my friend's house tonight but that plan got nixed by his water heater busting. I've let him know that if he needs anything he can call-- even if its to bail him out of jail for punching the mayor in the face. Mayor doesn't take well to people complaining about the city. One of our friends complained when a city lawnmower kicked up a rock and broke his window as he drove past. He went to City Hall to file a formal complaint and ask for reimbursement. Mayor came by with the cops and told him he would be charged with a crime if he didn't recant. Said they would arrest him for filing a false report and demanded he withdraw or he was going to be cuffed on the spot. Fortunately, his GF bailed him out after he told the mayor to eat a dick.

So, anyone have recommendations on electric tankless water heaters? Can they be installed outside? Does my friend need some sort of reservoir/holding tank? He's got one bathroom, high efficiency washing machine, dishwasher, and one kitchen sink. They sometimes take showers while the washing machine is running, but I don't know if a tankless can manage that. Any thoughts? Recommendations?
I took great satisfaction in the fact that the ICC, the International Criminal Court, issues arrest warrants for Vladimir Vladimiorvich Putin and his "henchlady" for the war crimes of stealing Ukrainian babies in violation of International norms. I offer this interesting picture:

Oh ****!.jpg
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Putin sucks.
I was exhausted for no apparent reason all day. Felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen even though my breathing is fine. I got mom food and fed the kitties. Unboxed my shower wallset so I could clear up a little more space in my bathroom. That was a total pain. One of the cats got into the room and kept meowing at me. He decided he wanted out but the door was blocked. The panels are fairly rigid but have some flex to them. The right wall was not wrapped in plastic like the other ones. Not sure why. Had some faint writing on the back too. I did a dry fit with it to see how far it will extend toward the tub edge. Still need to get the cementboard in to be certain. Tried cleaning some dirt off the wood panels above the shower area but the panels started peeling so I left it alone for now.