Water not making it up shower

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New Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Brighton, Ma
Hi- recently the pressure dropped in my shower and I'm not sure why. It's never been great pressure, but now there is very little water coming from the shower head. I am pretty handy when it comes to plumbing, but this has me baffled.

The pressure in the tub seems to be fine. The pressure in the sink faucet and other areas of the house seem to be normal. So it's only the shower faucet. I've taken off the shower head, but the problem seems to be the flow *up* the shower. It's in a condo, but other unit owners are not reporting the same problem. I am convinced something is building up or blocking the water but not sure how to get at it. I am going to try and get some CLR and shoot it down the shower head, but not sure if that is going to help. Again, the problem does not appear to be the shower head, but rather the flow up to the shower faucet. Any ideas?
Do you have relatively good water pressure with the shower head removed? If so, I would recommend either replacing the shower head or soaking it in either white vinegar or CLR. I would not recommend "shooting" CLR backwards into the valves, because there are plastic and rubber components which will ruin your valves. I would instead inspect and/or replace the cartridges in your valves.
No. Unfortunately the water pressure with the shower head removed is not good. Do you mean replace the stems/valves that turn the hot and cold water on?

The only problem I see is the tub pipe water flow and pressure seems fine so not sure it's the stems or valves.