Waste water drainage line to septic, leak outside of house?

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New Member
Apr 10, 2019
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Hello all,

I recently noticed what sounded like a small waterfall coming from the outside of one of my basement window wells. I peered down and noticed that there is a huge small cave that has formed within the window well in which water was dripping into. This was occurring on a sunny day so I was instantly curious as to what the source of the water might be. the large hole, as seen in the pictures below, is right along where the waste water drainage PVC pipe runs as it's leaving my house to go into the septic tank. I'm not really sure I understand how such a large space could have formed underneath the ground, is this normal? I'm assuming that there may be some type of leak with in line but I also don't fully understand how so much soil in ground could have been displaced by this .

any help or guidance with the situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
