upgrading 1/2 to 3/4

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Nov 8, 2010
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andover, minnesota
Hello, just a question about the benefits of upgrading a 1/2 branch water line to 3/4 inch. We just bought this '02 built house in the summer of 2010. The house has a 3/4 inch water meter that after it feeds into the water softner and hot water tank, immediately transitions into a 1/2 line (both hot and cold)that feeds a basement sink shower, an upstairs utility sink, washer, and kitchen sink. If someone uses an upstairs sink or washer, we get scolded in the basement shower.

My question is: If I replace the 1/2 copper branch (main) line with 3/4 pex and then connect each sink/faucet with 1/2 pex, would this solve 1) my scolding issue in the basement and 2) increase my water volume to all faucets....or would a manifold system work better.

Also my rental house that was built in '05 has a 1" water meter and modified manifold pex pipe layout and it has no issues. Any thoughts on the 1" meter over the 3/4" meter.

Thanks for any input
You would definitely increase your pressure by going up in pipe size. It might fix your scolding problem. It depends on the location of your water heater to everything.
I don't know Minnesota plumbing code, but here in FL pressure balancing valves to prevent scalding have be code required since 1994. I would definitely consider changing out the shower valve no matter what.

That said, increasing the size of the piping, particularly the cold line, very well might help.
Yeah, pressure balancing valves have been code up here since the early nineties as well. 3/4 -might- help, a proper valve will definitely help.