Underslab shower and washer drain rework.

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New Member
Jan 19, 2025
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I am looking to shrink down a tub/shower area some so that I can add a washer/dryer next to it. This is the only drain access. In the picture, the new shower drain would need to be about 6 inches to the left of the cut out section. The washer drain would come down in a new wall that will separate the shower from the washer area and will be about 12 inches to the left of where the wall currently is. That puts it about over the current splice for the trap in the pic. The wall behind the cut put will be a fair amount deeper for the washer that will sit to the right. Can I run the shower drain over to where the trap sits and if so, where is it best to tap in the washer drain? Or should the shower trap be right under the shower drain and do a 180 turn back into the cast? Really appreciate suggestions. Thanks.