Toilet valve has a mind of it's own

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New Member
Nov 25, 2018
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Hi guys,

A few days ago both my toilet valves began opening and closing on their own. I have no clue what's caused this.

I live in a condo unit. 2 bathrooms. Bedroom bathroom/Powder room.

At one point the "c shaped metal piece" that fits on the plastic "round thing" where the "vertical wire" goes through hand fallen out. I put it back in as it should be. As I saw it setup in my powder room toilet. Probably has nothing to do with things.

But why might the valves be opening and closing on their own? I can still use the toilets. Just hearing the valves open/closing every now and then throughout the day. Is it a simple adjustment? Repositioning the "valve tower"?

Any help would be appreciated! :)
a pic would be helpful but it sounds like they are fluidmaster valves....if so there are 2 things you can do replace the valves or replace the fluidmaster #242 rubber disc....
there is a red,black or gray (cap) that pops off it will expose a white arm that the rod is connected to that white arm spins left or right and it will come out you will see the rubber disc...remove the old install assemble you should be all set.....before you start SHUT OFF THE WATER
I would try to determine the problem by observing what is going on inside the tank, between flushes.
Assuming the water level in the tank starts out at a point below the overflow level, look occasionally to see if the water level is dropping from it's original full level. If it is lower chances are that it's you flapper at the bottom of the tank. Try to catch it at the point here it activates you fill valve.
Get some “toilet leak detection tablets”, (Amazon sells them), and test your toilets to see if the flappers are leaking. You let the toilet fill, and then drop in a couple of fast dissolving tablets. Wait a while, and if you see blue in the bowl, the flappers need replaced.

The fill valves at my folks house used to have leaks every once in a while. Turned out that every time a sprinkler valve closed, the hydraulic ram would reflect back up the line, and over pressurize the toilet. Dad built a little surge tower on the sprinkler manifold, and solved the problem.
If they are coming on and off by themselves then you have a problem with your flappers at the bottom of the toilet tank.
What brand of a toilet do you have?? Can you take a picture of inside of the tank.