Toilet flange broken. How do I handle this problem?

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New Member
Dec 7, 2022
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Hello, DIY'er here....

I noticed a leak in the basement, pulled the insulation back and saw the hole around my toilet waste pvc pipe was wet. I figured the wax ring needed to be replaced so I pulled the toilet and noticed my flange was actually two stacked flanges. The first (bottom flange) seems to be pvc cemented to the drain pipe and the toilet bolt slots are broken. The second flange is just seating on top, maybe to make the flange level with the subflooring. I also noticed the flange is about 1/8 - 1/4" lower on one side than the other.

Any recommendations on how to fix this?


Replace it from the basement up and fill in under the flange with wood so the bottom of your new flange is sitting on top of the finished floor.

Secure the flange to the subfloor with stainless or coated screws.
Looks like the flange was not secured to the floor , to can use the pvc spacer you show,but you must secure it to the floor using stainless steel screws