Tie new apartment into house sewer

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New Member
Jul 26, 2019
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We're looking at converting a detached garage into an apartment and need to tie the sewer into the house. There's a cleanout off of the master bath that's about 20 feet from the garage. Because of the slope around the house, any other routes require a lift pump or digging out the driveway. Are there any special considerations when tying an apartment (kitchen and 1 full bath) to an existing cleanout?
Well I’m not sure what you mean by tiring into an existing clean out, but you should install a clean out behind the toilet line if possible. For further maintenance if it needs to be cleaned/cleared out. Now if you mean your going to pipe everything and connect to the existing clean out I would say not a good idea. Consider a Backwater valve, position of possible clean outs for secondary and primary drain lines and lastly connecting towards the main sewer lateral.
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Okay, here's a drawing. The green line is what I want to install. The red line is the existing, with clean outs in the ground on each side of the house (not just outside the toilet, it actually comes out between where the tub and toilet are).
