Looks like way too many drainage fixture units trying to wet vent off lavatory. Not only looks like too many, it is! Is there no way to connect the waste stack (in red) to the existing 3” roof vent? That would allow the toilet to connect within 5’ of the vent connection. Then a common vent between the tub and shower connected above FLR for the lav would complete a conventional vent system.
what size is the floor joists?
that is going to determine what can or can not be done
lay these fittings out and measure bottom of the trap to the center line of the 90
this will set the drain elevation
do not use 1 1/2'' on the tub. use 2''
VERY helpful.Couple of things you have to know when you are horizontal venting.
one is if the vent is a dry vent, [dry means nothing else is draining into it] then the horizontal take off of the vent from the horizontal drain line SHALL be rolled so that the invert is above the flow line .
here is a picture
2 vents below, one is a rolled vent.
the other is a wet vent. the wet vent does not have to be rolled
the dry vent does.
ALSO. the vent take off HAS to be down stream of the fixture. NOT UPSTREAM
in your drawing you have a couple vents that are upstream. SEE another funky drawing
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Thanks! This clears it up for me.
I just had a thought that you may not have considered. There must be at least 1 full sized vent for the system. Your sketch and the others are good for figuring out what might work, but if the 3” out the roof is the only “main” vent, most if not all codes will not allow you to reduce the vent size to 2” from the top of the 3” waste stack to the bottom of the 3” vent stack. If there is another 3 or 4” vent through roof in the house, this rule may not apply.