Suds coming out of dishwasher air gap

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Jan 2, 2018
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I had an issue with the dishwasher waste water back flowed into the air gap on the counter top. The original drain hose had a loop before connecting to the tee.

I thought the loop might slow down the waste water discharge, so I straightened it out. This is what it looks like now:

The new problem is when I just wash dishes by hand, suds comes out of the air gap after approximately 5 minutes of washing using regular dish detergent.

So it looks like I traded one problem with another. I assume the original loop on the drain hose prevented suds from going further up to the air gap, but made the discharge less efficient. I am thinking about a couple of options:
1. Get rid of the air gap and have the dishwasher drain goes directly to the tee. The question is - Where should I connect the RO faucet drain?. Shall I try to make a high loop to prevent suds going into RO faucet?
2. Install a compact garbage disposal to act as a buffer when the dishwasher is discharging waster water. However, because I have a deep sink, I am not sure I have enough space under the sink.
3. Any suggestions from you guys.

I do have a waste basket in the sink, which I clean after every use, and I am pretty careful not letting large pieces of food waste flushing down to the drain. I haven't checked yet, but I don't feel the p-trap is clogged.
Google “ high loop dishwasher connection “

That’s how I would connect it and have been doing so for years. Our plumbing inspectors believe it’s perfectly safe and so do I.

I dont install RO systems.

Have a great night👍
Twowaxhack - I think I understand the high loop dishwasher concept, but I am not sure what to do with the RO faucet drain line. Shall I high-loop it? The RO faucet has its own air gap. Here is the bottom view of the RO faucet:


I am not sure what to do with the clear tube. It goes to the dishwasher air gap now.
The clear tubing is your waste line for your R/O system, correct?
If so, that should go into your drain line, after the p trap, by way of a saddle valve.
havasu - Instead of using a drain saddle, would this configuration work? I am not sure I have enough space to add a saddle.


Basically connects the clear tube to a Y adapter. The other leg of the Y will connect to the dishwasher drain line.