Strange recurring wet patches

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New Member
Aug 28, 2024
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I have a terraced house, which has a covered entry-alleyway down the side between my house and next door.

Earlier this year, the sewer pipe in the alleyway started leaking after being dislodged due to ground movement, caused by a poor repair done near the front of the house. This caused some unpleasant leaking into the entry, and also into the basements at the front of the houses. A distinct wet patch appeared on the walls, and on the ground in the alleyway. As it was a combined sewer that also carried rain water from the downpipes, it's intensity would change based on rain. There was the accompanying unpleasant sewage smell that soaked through the walls into the basement.

Due to a combination of problems, it took the water company a considerable time to come and deal with the problem. They finally came out last week and fixed it by fitting a flexible lining in the pipe for the duration of it's length. Almost straight away the difference appeared - the wet patches started to fade at last, and the smell did also.

And then today they're back. Exactly the same as they were before, in the exact same places. The patterns of how the water moves up and through the walls in the house is also identical. The only change is that there's no smell this time.

I don't understand what's going on and why it can reappear as it was clearly starting to drain away already, and the leak is fixed. Does anyone have any experience of anything like this, and any idea as to why this might be happening since the leak was fixed? I'm at a loss at the moment.

The freshwater pipes in both houses have been tested, and neither have leaks, and this problem did not exist prior to the leak, so it's not a naturally occurring issue.

Thank you for any help and advice.