Sprinker system Conversion

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Sep 25, 2011
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Hi all!

I just wanted to run this past the experts on here.

I had a guy replace the solenoids on my sprinkler system and redo the above ground pipes. In your opinion, what do you think of the job he did? I'm no expert by any mean so I'm looking for a second opinion.


It should have been put under ground with covers on the valves. The question I have is why did you remove the index valve system. There is far less maintenance with a index valve.

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He said that since we're at sea level, they shouldn't be put underground.
I don't live in a trailer park. I'm just trying to see if this guy did me wrong. I paid him $300 plus cost of supplies. I will have to say, the sprinkler system didn't work before but it does now.

It's just that it looks like this would be hard to maintain.
Upon further review, I would recommend you just start over. Hire an actual Barney that has a clue. This is definitely the work of an amateur and I would be concerned about it's longevity.
If it works then he got the job done, it is just not as clean or thought out as a proffesional would do. Reminds me of home owner work. I think you paid a bit much but in the end if you are happy then thats all that matters.

Can you other guys please keep the insults to yourselves. He came for an opinion from a proffessional but I haven't seen any yet.
Now you have me curious what I missed.

The question I have is why did you removed a index valve system.
I'm glad johnjh2o figured that out. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why he went into the ground with 5 pipes in a circle. I agree, index valves are hard to beat.