Should I be worried about this dripping sound?

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New Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Moved into this house about a month ago. During inspection we had noticed areas in the first floor ceiling that had been repaired. When we asked the sellers (hud/fannie mae) they assured us that whatever problem there was had been fixed, and that the home was hud approved.
However, I've noticed that whenever I run water in the upstairs bathrooms, for a few minutes after you can hear a dripping sound above one of the previously repaired areas. The other area has no drip sound, but you can hear the water rushing by.
I see no signs of water or any dampness. Also, the drip doesn't really sound like water dripping onto wood. You can hear the dripping from above it upstairs, and below it downstairs.
At what point is it concerning enough to rip into the ceiling to look? Do I wait to see if any evidence of water appears, or is this for sure a problem I need checked out?
The sound you may be hearing may be from a line expanding when hot ware passes through it. The line may be going through a wood framing member and causing a creeping sound as it moves. If your just concerned about having a leak I would what until you see signs of water before opening the ceiling.
