Sewer Cleanout Access Through Driveway Surface

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Sep 3, 2023
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Austin TX
I have a PVC u-style 4" pair of sewer cleanouts popped up in the lawn right now. I will be pouring a driveway over them. So the cleanouts need to penetrate the slab and be capped over with sturdy caps which a car can be driven on.

If I cast cleanout bodies directly into the slab, I'm worried that any settling or other movement of the slab puts strain onto the pipes below, maybe shifting them, breaking them. Is that a valid concern? Should something be done to decouple the fitting that is cast into the slab from the pipe below? For instance pour the slab around a box like used for a sprinkler valve, so the box surrounds the 4" cleanout riser but is not mated solid to it?

I've seen the cleanout bodies slipped partly onto the PVC pipe but not welded, to give them some slack for movement. Is that preferred?

Or should I just accept that all the pipes in the ground below will be hard-linked to the slab and that is "ok"? If something moves the PVC can bend a bit?
use cleanout boxes made for the purpose. major name brand is Christy/or Oldcastle with drive-over metal tops.
Thanks very much. Took me some searching but I found the Christy-Oldcastle catalog of utility and valve boxes, very nice. Using this type of box, the driveway and cleanout pipe would be completely disconnected, except that the cleanout would rise up through the box. This is how my city cleanout is set up, with the box resting in the dirt.

I also stumbled upon Zurn CO2430-04 , which is cast into the concrete, and the cleanout stuffs into its bottom through a "push-on gasketed connection". This would make a tighter connection, maybe still allowing some vertical float.

Is completely disconnected like the Christy better than semi-connected like the Zurn? Is it risky to make a connection?
Check with a local precast concrete manufacturer if there is one. They commonly sell boxes with their name on them.

Locally, our two Redi-Mix plants make boxes with lids/frames, they buy from a foundry company south of Salt Lake City. And, they probably have a good idea of what folks are installing.

So, check around. Asking the local building/plumbing inspector if they can tell you what they are seeing. In some areas/municipalities, there is a list of approved products, which includes the sourcing. The local hardware store and lumberyards will probably have suitable boxes for sale. As, will local concrete construction supply companies, who sell form components, curing compounds, etc.