Sanitary Tee Cleanout question

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Oct 31, 2020
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I'm putting in a laundry room into a guest house of mine, and currently doing the plumbing. I went 2" up to the house above grade, then transitioned over to 1.5", because of a few reasons, mostly tight space. My question is, for the sanitary tee, there isn't code requirement for height of the cleanout, correct?

Also, the sanitary tee I used might possibly be incorrect, there is no curves to the tee, all 3 sections are straight, this is incorrect?

In the photo, you'll see the cleanout with a AAV glued to it as well. I was planning on just putting both together and have it in the wall with a removable vented cover, this is fine?

Haven't glued any of that together because I'm not sure if there is a height requirement on the cleanout, so the photo is with the pipe and cleanout/AAV just pieced together.


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You do have a few problems.
First, the tee you have for the vent connection to the drain line is a straight tee and is not acceptable. Some interpret the code to allow Sanitary tees on their backs for a dry vent connection, but some require that connection to be a combo or a wye with a 45. If you try to run a snake through the cleanout to that straight tee, you will not be able to turn that corner into the drain line, And if you are able to make that turn, you will have no way to control which direction the snake will go.
Second, modern washing machines discharge their water at a very high rate compared to the older models. The code now is that the standpipe and drain line needs to be 2". It may work, but with a 1 1/2" standpipe AND drain line, you do have an overflow potential and possible probable.

Third, there is a specific cleanout tee that has a female screwed side out for the plug.

There is no code requirement for the location of the cleanout in that vent line. But putting it high and close to the AAV is good. And as you said, the AAV needs to be accessible and with a vented cover if a cover is used.
MIC is correct. I know of no code that allows 1 1/2" for a washer. You might get a way with it if you put in a laundry sink. Don't bother with the cleanout up that high. At that point they can just unscrew the AAV
Thank you for your help and expertise. Dang, sounds like I need to just trash this all and go with 2", redo it all. Maybe I can change out the metal studs for some that are wider, so when I drill out the 2" holes for the pipe to slip through, it won't completely compromise the stud. That's another reason I went with 1.5. Sounds like I really messed up all around.
One last question, where the outlet is, I glued a 2" to 1.5" transition coupling + a 1.5" pipe into the outlet box. I'm worries if I try to heat up and take all that out, it'll ruin the box, because the box itself is very thin and fragile. To save myself from having to buy another $70 outlet, would it be okay to just cut the 1.5" pvc just enough to fit in a 1.5" to 2" transition coupling? So pretty much just the hole on top will be 1.5" (Assuming the washer drain hose can slip into this?), everything else 2".


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