Some time ago I requested help with the repair of a corrugated water pipe for our waterfall but never received a reply from the Forum. Specifically, a 2" pipe that leads from a pump (submerged in the well of a "pondless waterfall")to the top of the waterfall was accidentally damaged by a pick ax and sprung a leak. The handyman who caused the problem cut out the leaky portion and attempted to repair it by inserting a piece of PVC pipe and tying it into the original pipe (see picture of waterfall, lower left corner and picture of repaired portion, both attached). Unfortunately, the leak continues underneath from the area of the newly repaired joint, probably because the inserted pipe was of approx. the same diameter as the original pipe and therefore didn't really fit, and because the corrugated aspect of the hose made a tight fit impossible). My question: is there some better way to fix this problem, and if I need to call a plumber, what precisely should I ask him to try? Or do I inevitably have to replace the entire hose with a non-corrugated pipe, disturbing some 12 feet of beautifully landscaped soil?!?!