removing moisture from the pipes

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Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Rockland County, New York
Hi yesterday I sweated the old shut off valves off from the pipes and I did enough research to realize that if there is moisture or water inside the pipes near the solder, then it isn't possible to heat the pipes hot enough to melt the solder. So what I did was the first couple of times, I used my dremel and cut the front portion of the valve off so that water and moisture can escape. I did open the nut on the top so moisture can still escape that way as well.
On the 2nd and 3rd toilet I did, I didn't make any cuts. I just used my mouth and blew into the hole from the top of the shutoff (it is an angle shutoff) in an attempt to push the water down the pipes and of course did inadvertently ingest a little water but was quick generally to get out of the way as water came back a little. Then I heated until all the steam escaped and the solder did sweat right after. I gotta believe there is a better way,

So for future reference, how does everyone get rid of the moisture/water from the pipe near the shutoff valve before sweating?
