Re-plumb - now problems

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New Member
Jul 26, 2010
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We bought a home with poly pipes. Upon moving in, we had them all converted over. Just to add- the pressure was at 115 psi due to a faulty pressure relief valve.

During the first 5 days on the poly, we had no issues.Upon completion of the replumb, we have had numerous issues that the plumbing company refuses to acknowledge could be a fault of the replumb. I am looking for others feedback, so any help is appreciated.

Upon the replumb happening, now if 1 person is in one shower and another person gets into the other, the orginal person who started the shower first, losses pressure and it gets cold and stays could for about a min. That's the first issue.

Then over this past week, my young son was in the shower and my other son had to use the restroom. We flushed the toilet, and the shower scalded him (nice blistering on his backend because of it). I turned off the hot water for which it took a good minute for the hot to stop flowing. Then I could barely get any hot water back. Half way through the shower with both kids, I was washing them up when the shower went ice cold. After playing with the hot and cold for about a minute or so, I was able to get it back to being warm.

Over the weekend, I was in the shower and the washing machine was started, on cold only, and I was scalded. I was quick enough to get out of the water in time, but it took a good min to get the water back down to normal.

Also to add, the cold water at the kitchen sink and at the washer is not truly cold. No matter how long it runs, it's never fully cold.

The plumbing company initially said the pressure change was because we used to be running at high psi's, and since the conversion and it was now in normal range that we just had to live with the adjustment and pressure drops. To add- they replaced the pressure relief valve and added an expansion tank to our water heater. They refused to come out to check for any problems. Now with the scalding, they are saying it has nothing to do with the replumb and we need some kind of thing for our faucets and again are trying not to come out or acknowledge the fault could be theirs. I don't know anything about plumbing, so I am looking for some advice and what our next step should be, or what testing things we could do.

Any help is appreciated. I can't risk my children being scalded again.

Thank you!
I believe they are referring to anti-scald valves. Without a diagrams of your runs and sizing of the pipe, it would be hard to analyze the problem. Based upon your low water pressure, I believe they are running in a long sequence with small pipe, which would drastically reduce your water pressure, causing all of your problems. The only solution I see would be to expand your pipe size, utilize manifolds as much as possible, and install anti-scald valves in your bathrooms. Also, what does the company recommend as "normal" water pressure?

If I was in your shoes, I would bring in another repipe specialist. Explain your problems, ask for his solutions, and how much he would charge to modify your pipes. Unless you asked for the cheapest repipe, this may give you enough ammunition to sue in Civil Court. Good luck!
Were the tub/shower valves replaced as part of the repipe?

It is absolutely required by code that all new tub/shower valves installed since, I believe, 1994 are of an anti-scald type that should prevent the type of issues that you are experiencing.

It is obvious to you that this is a VERY serious safety issue, and I would reccomend that you get a highly reputable local service plumber to come out and take a look at the system. Explain that your child has been scalded, and what has been done. Don't come off as someone who is looking to file a lawsuit, rather as a concerned parent, and I would think that an ethical plumber would bend over backwards to find and remedy the problem.

This is not something that I would attempt to diagnose over the internet, you need someone who is very knowledgable in the field to come and deal with this problem in person.

Best of luck to you.