I have a 50 year old home with cast iron pipes under the concrete slab. Discovered that some/all of the old sewer lines need to be replaced after having a cleanup installed and seeing a giant crack with my own two eyes. I've checked with a few plumbers and they all tell me the same thing really. Several companies have mentioned that they hang the pipes from the underside of the foundation. The company at the top of my list (based on professionalism, reviews, etc.) told me they do not hang the pipes but do support them correctly under the tunnel is filled back in. I could see pros and cons to either method. The soil here is terrible (clay), and my home has had two goes at foundation repair before.
I'm a teacher so most of this is over my head, and I'm hoping to get some insight from elsewhere on the subject. Replacing some shower stems and valve seats is about as far as I've gotten into plumbing.
I have a 50 year old home with cast iron pipes under the concrete slab. Discovered that some/all of the old sewer lines need to be replaced after having a cleanup installed and seeing a giant crack with my own two eyes. I've checked with a few plumbers and they all tell me the same thing really. Several companies have mentioned that they hang the pipes from the underside of the foundation. The company at the top of my list (based on professionalism, reviews, etc.) told me they do not hang the pipes but do support them correctly under the tunnel is filled back in. I could see pros and cons to either method. The soil here is terrible (clay), and my home has had two goes at foundation repair before.
I'm a teacher so most of this is over my head, and I'm hoping to get some insight from elsewhere on the subject. Replacing some shower stems and valve seats is about as far as I've gotten into plumbing.