Problem with baseboard heating system

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New Member
Jan 9, 2018
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I have a baseboard heating system at home which is not working properly. When I turn on the thermostat and set the temp, it turns on (the heat symbol on screen appears) and shuts off (the heating symbol disappears) when set temp is reached. However, the heat still remains on and won't shutoff. The way I have to shut off the heat is to manually switch the thermostat to off and then operate the small lever on the zone valve. I'm thinking that the zone valve motor has to be replaced. Am I wrong or is it the thermostat? Thanks for any help.
You most likely have a bad thermostat a quick test for you take the cover off the thermostat and you should see two wires a red wire and a white wire disconnect the wires from the thermostat now carefully touch these two wires together wait a couple of seconds the zone valve that the thermostat controls should be open and your heating system should be running. disconnect the two wires the zone valve should close and the heating system should turn off if anything else happens besides that something's wrong on your boiler but if everything goes according to plan replace your faulty thermostat
You most likely have a bad thermostat a quick test for you take the cover off the thermostat and you should see two wires a red wire and a white wire disconnect the wires from the thermostat now carefully touch these two wires together wait a couple of seconds the zone valve that the thermostat controls should be open and your heating system should be running. disconnect the two wires the zone valve should close and the heating system should turn off if anything else happens besides that something's wrong on your boiler but if everything goes according to plan replace your faulty thermostat

I dont have a red and white wire behind my thermostat. I have a black wire going to the terminal marked "Rh" and 2 beige wires going to the "W" terminal. I already changed the zone valve motor and that didn't fix anything. Thanks
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put a volt meter on the 2 wires on the zone valve and see if it is getting power when the stat calls for heat

this will tell you if the problem is valve or wiring
then check the other end of the wires ,

now it is narrowed down to stat, wire or zone valve
10 months and the problem still exists......
This place is a rental and at the time was going to be rented but it fell through. So once it became warm out, there was no need to address the problem at the time as well as other things came up. Fast foward 10 months later with the colder weather here again, I would like to fix the problem finally. So do you feel its a faulty thermostat? I don't have a red or white wire, just the black one and 2 beige ones as mentioned above.
One wire went to R and another went to W take those 2 wire and put them back on a new tstat and see what happens