pressure balancing loop question

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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
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prescott, az
Hello, I am plumbing a shower with body sprays that are on a pressure balancing loop. My question is, does it matter were the feed line tees into
the loop? Right now the tee is on one side much closer to one head than the other.
I have spent hours trying to find the answer and have had no luck. The body sprays are 2.5 gpm. The loop and feed are 1/2" pex and the psi is around 75+
You do realize that 1/2" pex is smaller then 1/2" copper and the fittings are smaller yet. If your going to be running multiple heads & body sprays at the same time you should be more concerned with the volume of water rather then pressure. I would run the loop with 3/4" pex with 1/2" branches to the heads & body sprays.

Thank you for the reply. I know pex is smaller but it's only two heads. I am more concerned about one spraying harder than the other than i am about total volume. So I'm just wondering if the feed tee location is that critical since it is on a loop?
water will always follow the path of least resistance, ideally the t should be of equal space between the heads.

as far as pressure goes, pressure is what you need to get the water to the end user, its the Gpm you need to focus on .

Simply, ask yourself.

Would you rather a shower with 100 psi and 1 gpm, or a shower with 1 psi and 100 gpm...

now you can see that the psi, is mostly irrelevent