plumbing rough in

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May 27, 2014
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Hi there everyone. Happy new year
i am currently remodeling my basement bathroom right now. I have already done the plumbing rough in. but i am still not sure if i got it right .would you guys please help me proofread my work here ? Thanks

S1 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
S2 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
T1 : toilet drain (3 inch abs)
T2 :toilet drain (3 inch abs)
L1 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
L2 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
MSV: main stack vent (4 inch)
Untitled2.png IMG_20190101_155829.jpg IMG_20190101_160502.jpg
The main stack vent is just located on the other side of the wall.
once i rise the floor up with 2x10 and playwood, i will connect the 1.5 inch vent pipe to L1 and L2.
I think T2 should be fine, since it is 3 feet away from the MSV and L1 is also acting as a wet vent for it. (i hope i am not worng)
I know L2 is acting as a wet vent for T1 and T2.
But would the wet vent distance be too long? Do i need to add another vent after the double wye of T1 and T2?

Thanks guys
Hi there everyone. Happy new year
i am currently remodeling my basement bathroom right now. I have already done the plumbing rough in. but i am still not sure if i got it right .would you guys please help me proofread my work here ? Thanks

S1 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
S2 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
T1 : toilet drain (3 inch abs)
T2 :toilet drain (3 inch abs)
L1 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
L2 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
MSV: main stack vent (4 inch)
View attachment 19471 View attachment 19472 View attachment 19473
View attachment 19474
The main stack vent is just located on the other side of the wall.
once i rise the floor up with 2x10 and playwood, i will connect the 1.5 inch vent pipe to L1 and L2.
I think T2 should be fine, since it is 3 feet away from the MSV and L1 is also acting as a wet vent for it. (i hope i am not worng)
I know L2 is acting as a wet vent for T1 and T2.
But would the wet vent distance be too long? Do i need to add another vent after the double wye of T1 and T2?

Thanks guys
A couple of things. Wet vents are vertical sections of pipe so your toilets will need their own vents. And showers require 2” drains, unless you are talking a tub/shower combo then 1-1/2” is ok. I’ll take a closer look at your pics once I get to the office.
A couple of things. Wet vents are vertical sections of pipe so your toilets will need their own vents. And showers require 2” drains, unless you are talking a tub/shower combo then 1-1/2” is ok. I’ll take a closer look at your pics once I get to the office.

you might want to look up horizontal wet venting

soultraveler, your state location is needed. different states have different codes
Hi there everyone. Happy new year
i am currently remodeling my basement bathroom right now. I have already done the plumbing rough in. but i am still not sure if i got it right .would you guys please help me proofread my work here ? Thanks

S1 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
S2 :shower drain (1.5 inch abs)
T1 : toilet drain (3 inch abs)
T2 :toilet drain (3 inch abs)
L1 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
L2 :lavatory sink (1.5 inch abs)
MSV: main stack vent (4 inch)
View attachment 19471 View attachment 19472 View attachment 19473
View attachment 19474
The main stack vent is just located on the other side of the wall.
once i rise the floor up with 2x10 and playwood, i will connect the 1.5 inch vent pipe to L1 and L2.
I think T2 should be fine, since it is 3 feet away from the MSV and L1 is also acting as a wet vent for it. (i hope i am not worng)
I know L2 is acting as a wet vent for T1 and T2.
But would the wet vent distance be too long? Do i need to add another vent after the double wye of T1 and T2?

Thanks guys
ok, now that I can see you pics better lets walk through this. starting at S2, you have a sanitary tee laying on its side, this is not allowed you need a wye branch fitting here, as well as a vent and a shower requires a 2" drain.
T2 needs a vent. a toilet requires a 2" vent.
double wye isn't supposed to lay flat like that, they are intended for vertical use. the reason being, you cannot get grade on both sides at the same time. a better choice would have been two wyes. S1 needs a vent and also needs to be 2", T1 needs a vent and a cleanout. L-2 looks ok as long as the 90 at the end is a long sweep, I cant tell by the pictures, same with the 90's at the toilets, make sure you are using the correct radius fittings. both lavs will need cleanouts above the floor (international plumbing code allows you to eliminate the cleanout if you use a slip nut style trap where you can remove the trap and send a snake down the drain. uniform plumbing code requires a separate cleanout fitting.)
Call a plumber or buy a how-to book and read it completely! You have only minor understanding of how plumbing works and you are going to end up with a disaster if you proceed without starting over and using correct methodology.
you need 2'' run to tubs and showers...not 1 1/2'' unless structurally prohibited. with permission from inspector
A--- 1 1/2'', no vent, san tee instead of wye
B- [if] shower wet vented the 3'' combo needs to be moved to the other side of the wet vent
C--double wye...a no no...use 2 wyes
D--where is test tee for plumbing test/ inspection?

inadequate pipe support, required to be strapped every 4'
inadequate fall on plumbing pipe. 1/4'' per foot required no way in hell is that 3'' at 1/4'' per foot
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I only see one major problem.
He glued everything together before submitting his questions and pictures.:(
Hi thank all of your reply.
the work is actually done by other contractor. i feel something is wrong with his work so i uploaded my question here. "should have paid double to get a qualified plumber to do this."

you might want to look up horizontal wet venting

soultraveler, your state location is needed. different states have different codes
Hi frodo. i live in British Columbia, Canada.

ok, now that I can see you pics better lets walk through this. starting at S2, you have a sanitary tee laying on its side, this is not allowed you need a wye branch fitting here, as well as a vent and a shower requires a 2" drain.
T2 needs a vent. a toilet requires a 2" vent.
double wye isn't supposed to lay flat like that, they are intended for vertical use. the reason being, you cannot get grade on both sides at the same time. a better choice would have been two wyes. S1 needs a vent and also needs to be 2", T1 needs a vent and a cleanout. L-2 looks ok as long as the 90 at the end is a long sweep, I cant tell by the pictures, same with the 90's at the toilets, make sure you are using the correct radius fittings. both lavs will need cleanouts above the floor (international plumbing code allows you to eliminate the cleanout if you use a slip nut style trap where you can remove the trap and send a snake down the drain. uniform plumbing code requires a separate cleanout fitting.)

Hi shoestring. why T2 needs a vent when it is only 3 feet away from a 4 inch MSV? beside that i have a 2 inch horizontal wet vent after the T2, the critical distance between T2 and L1 (vent pipe) is less than 6 feet.

you need 2'' run to tubs and showers...not 1 1/2'' unless structurally prohibited. with permission from inspector
A--- 1 1/2'', no vent, san tee instead of wye
B- [if] shower wet vented the 3'' combo needs to be moved to the other side of the wet vent
C--double wye...a no no...use 2 wyes
D--where is test tee for plumbing test/ inspection?

inadequate pipe support, required to be strapped every 4'
inadequate fall on plumbing pipe. 1/4'' per foot required no way in hell is that 3'' at 1/4'' per foot

Hi frodo. Do you mean i should put a 3x3x2 vent tee at location B?

thank you guys for your input. i have updated the drawing. please have a look.

Untitled 2.png
Soultraveler, don't feel bad if a contractor glued that together and you are asking to make sure it is done right before the fixtures and floor go in.

Frodo, where would the test tee be placed?

Looks like BC uses it's own plumbing code based on the National Plumbing Code of Canada but with modifications.
Anyone have a copy or have access? Looks expensive to get.
Cleanout needed on any run greater than 5 ft.
Don't neglect to make sure your 4" main drain back by the concrete has a cleanout.
Your "contractor" does not know plumbing. He is an idiot.
The way I am reading this, {{IF Wrong, please let me know}}

View attachment 19486

Hi Frodo, thanks for your reply.
From your drawing, you have moved the L1's wet vent closet to the MSV and before the s2 and T2.

But from my understanding of the guideline given by the book(based on national uniform plumbing code), the second sketch i have uploaded should be alright?

this the a copy of what i have read.IMG_20190103_182823.jpg

again this is my second sketch
in this case, all the 1 1/2" pipe will be changed to 2"
Untitled 2.png

you are confusing horizontal wet venting with vertical wet venting
the rough in plumbing you are showing in your picture is horizontal wet venting
the code page you are referencing is vertical wet venting

6.5x552 (1).JPG
look up horizontal wet vent.
.time to make a phone call to your local plumbing inspector

we have a member here named Matt. hellofa nice guy, he is from lol oak Island

sorry for the edits. i am holding a baby, typing and drinking a toddy at the same time
you are confusing horizontal wet venting with vertical wet venting
the rough in plumbing you are showing in your picture is horizontal wet venting
the code page you are referencing is vertical wet venting

View attachment 19495
look up horizontal wet vent.
.time to make a phone call to your local plumbing inspector

we have a member here named Matt. hellofa nice guy, he is from lol oak Island

sorry for the edits. i am holding a baby, typing and drinking a toddy at the same time

Haha, no problem. thank you for your time helping me.
the only thing i know about the oak island is the treasure hunting. =)

yes, i think i have confused horizontal wet vent with vertical wet vent. in this case, mine is only relied on vertical wet vent for all the units.