Plumbing issue... Need Advice

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New Member
May 30, 2011
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Oklahoma City, OK
Hello, this is my first post here and I am in need of some pro plumber advice.

I bought my first house about 5 years ago and up untill three months ago we have never had any plumbing problems. Starting three months ago my wife was doing a load of laundry and yelled for me to come to the laundry room saying that the water was backing up in the floor drain of the laundry room. I had no idea at the time what might cause that so we called Roto-Rooter out, they ran a snake down the drain and the problem was solved... Or so we thought.

Since that day about once every two weeks that same exact problem has returned. So for the past two months we have been paying roto rooter 150$ every two weeks to come run the snake. Starting in may (4 weeks ago) instead of just the laundry room backing up now all the toilets and sinks started backing up into the laundry room also. the first time this happened roto rooter came out again and said I didn't have a clenout on one of my two main sewege lines leaving my house and charged me 800$ to install one. Since they did that the problem has been cured .... Untill last week.

Im at work and the wife called and said the toilets, sinks and washing machine are all backing up in the laundry room again. I called roto rooter out one last time and I got a different guy this time and this guy didnt run a snake, like all the others in the past had, but instead attached this device to the end of my garden hose dropped it down the cleanout pipe ( he did this one both cleanouts at the same time) turned on the water and waited about 2 or 3 minutes and presto the drains were working fine again. The device used was about black and about 4 to 5 inches long and about 2-3 inches around and screwed on to the end of the water hose. It had a tiny hole on the opposite end from the hose attachment and he said that when he put it in the pipe it expanded to seal the pip and then blasted water down the pipe blowing out the clog. I didn't think to ask him at the time what the device was called, how much it costs, or were I could buy one. Any ideas on what this thing is called and where someone might find one?

Additionally I have emptied out my entire savings account in the last three months for a 8 seperate plumber visits and unsure where i Need to go from here? I have crawled around under my house and have attached a diagram of how my house is set up plumbing wise: (Pic Attached)

from the picture:
#A - Feeds 1 toilet, 1 sink, and 1 shower
#B - feeds 1 toilet, 1 sink and 1 bath/shower
#C - Feeds Laundry room drain, Kitchen Sink Drain and Dishwasher Drain

I know that there are two lines coming out from under the house and that they form a "Y" in the middle of the back yard as I have fed a copper wire down them and located them with a Line locator. I know exactly were the Y is, where the lines are underground and where it all ties into the city main. Roto rooter installed a cleanout on the northern line and Installed one on the southern line (I watched roto rooter do the first cleanout and i did the other one just like he did using the same supplies)

I fear that the there is something wrong with the Y or after the Y... like a collapsed line or roots or something? I would like to get the black water hose device they plumber used and try that as a temporary fix untill I can save some more money to rent a trackho and dig it all up. what do you think?

plumb diag.JPG
The item you are looking for is common and should be at every Lowe's, Home Depot, etc. Just describe it to the rep at the store.
I agree on the camera. Sorry that you had to spend so much money and may still have issues, but shop around for a camera service.