Noisy Pipes

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New Member
Sep 23, 2024
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My pipes are making an intermittent noise in the wall, seemingly coming from the toilet

I have tried jiggling the toilet button around but to no avail

Have attached a video

This occurs every 30 to 40 seconds

I am renting so don't want to get a plumber called if it's something I should know how to fix


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To me that sounds like a toilet that has a leaking flap. When the water gets low enough the float triggers the valve and it runs briefly to top it off again. It isn't very loud though, suggesting that it is not the toilet in that room, it could be the toilet in another room or even another unit. (You said you were renting, assuming this is an apartment or at least a duplex.) Often when toilets have this problem the water in the bowl will have little ripples instead of being smooth.

Typically when you rent the landlord pays for plumbing repairs, unless you broke something, of course.
It sounds like the noise you're hearing could be due to a few common issues. Since it's coming from the toilet and happens every 30 to 40 seconds, it might be related to the fill valve or a small leak in the tank causing the water to refill. This can sometimes create noise in the pipes. You could try checking the water level in the tank and adjusting the fill valve if needed. Another possibility is that the flapper isn't sealing properly, causing water to slowly leak into the bowl. Since you're renting and don't want to call a plumber, you might want to check these things yourself, but if you're unsure, it’s best to inform your landlord.
thanks everyone for your helpful responses
i have let my agent know
it sounds like something the landlord will need to pay for - which was my main concern :)