So here's the story, a month ago I bought a richmond 50 gallon 38,000btu gas water heater, had it installed, 2 weeks later it shut off and was throwing a 2 red blinking light code of thermopile low voltage, so i shut the heater off, restarted it and it worked for a week, then it shut off again completely and it was restarted and we took it back on warranty.
So now we have the same water heater but a new one, and the pilot light went out last night, i went and restarted it and it started. as seen below in the photos when it first started this is how it burned orange for a minute or two and from googling it the orange isnt good, after a few minutes it returned to blue as seen in second picture.
Is this a venting issue? Not enough air issue? any information helps as this has been a major pain.....
Our original water heater was 14 years old and never had any issues it just needed replaced due to the gas valve and we just replaced it instead of putting parts in it due to age.
So now we have the same water heater but a new one, and the pilot light went out last night, i went and restarted it and it started. as seen below in the photos when it first started this is how it burned orange for a minute or two and from googling it the orange isnt good, after a few minutes it returned to blue as seen in second picture.
Is this a venting issue? Not enough air issue? any information helps as this has been a major pain.....
Our original water heater was 14 years old and never had any issues it just needed replaced due to the gas valve and we just replaced it instead of putting parts in it due to age.