I was told by a trusted plumber, who was referred to me by the last owner of the house, that the cast iron soil stack from my master bath needs replacement. He put me in contact with a contractor that is scheduled to rip out the wall next week.
My home has ornate chestnut coffering and plaster walls. The plumber is not sure, but the pipe could be going through irreplaceable chestnut coffering(between the 'star' and the line in the wall in the pic below).
My question, before they crack my wall open is, Is it possible to do a pipe lining on the soil stack? Can that stuff go through elbow, etc? Just want to make sure I'm making the right decision here.
My home has ornate chestnut coffering and plaster walls. The plumber is not sure, but the pipe could be going through irreplaceable chestnut coffering(between the 'star' and the line in the wall in the pic below).
My question, before they crack my wall open is, Is it possible to do a pipe lining on the soil stack? Can that stuff go through elbow, etc? Just want to make sure I'm making the right decision here.