Need help with toilet!

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Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
san francisco,
Hi Guys,

I have a little problem in the apartment I rent and I can't find the solution anywhere. Have been to home depot, talked to folks there and they don't know how to solve it.

I was going to install a t-pipe to put a spray, but the hose from shut off valve to toilet tank was really old and it broke. I went looking for a replacement and bought a hose with a 1/2" adaptor. I actually got one of those packages that come with an 1/2" iron pipe adaptor and a 1/2"OD compression adaptor.

But none will fit! One is too big and the other 2 small. The shut off valve adaptor is a 1/2", but it seems to be an old system. Where the nut is actually attached to the hose, it won't come out.

Some people suggested replacing the entire shut off valve with one with a 3/8" adaptor, but I am trying to fix this without having to aks the landlord to shut the water supply for the building.

When I talk about this 1/2" old school adaptor, do any of you know what I am talking about, and know what I need to do for a hose to fit without leaks?

Please see image attached. You can see the 2 adaptor and the original hose.

Sorry that I can't explain it better.

Thanks so much

That is a 7/16 corrgated tube with a 1/2" IPS nut.
Most all old school stop valves are 1/2" IPS (Iron Pipe Size) oulets.

Could you take a close up picture of the valve for me to confirm.
a 1/2" IPS X 7/8" toilet fill valve supply hose should work.
To add a second line use this.

1/2" female IPS slip joint x 1/2" male IPS slip joint x 3/8" male compression

Try a side shot with the Teflon tape removed.
1/2" copper pipe is normally referred to as 5/8" tube
If you have 1/2 copper and you want to use a compression fitting it is referred as 5/8 compression.
It is rare and very old school but there is such a thing as 1/2" tubing and 7/16 tubing. measure the inside diameter of the valve outlet.
I'm doing a google search now for more info cuz I'm old school and I know they existed but they don't seem to be available

You're easiest solution would be to replace the valve.
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