Sewer blaster
I called them today. She said it’ll be next week. Ill be sure and update after they find the problem. Thank you all!
It’s hard to do nothing when your whole family is breathing sewer gas
Hopefully that was a misinterpretation on someones part.I decided after 4 months of worry, never ending hypothetical discussions with other home owners in the area, 2 different local plumbers, and 600 bucks, to do whatever the guys on this forum suggested.
I read the city ordinances regarding sewer repair, and it basically says no matter what, it’s at my cost. Even if their sewer were to back up into my house, they can’t be held liable. Even if the blockage is under their street, it’s my bill. And I’m expected to repair their road up to their standard, at my expense.
So anyways...thanks very much to all the helpful people on this forum. Hopefully I’ll have more news within a few days. Fingers crossed, there won’t be a need to disturb the road.