Mosquito problem. Has anyone plumbed malathion into their irrigation system?

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New Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Jupiter, Florida
I have a bad mosquito problem, and I am thinking about plumbing malathion into my irrigation system.

I need ideas on the best way to do this.

I am thinking about using a garbage can with a connection to 1/4" hose at the bottom. The hose would go to a valve so I can shut it off and then a port on the inlet side of my irrigation pump.

Will this work? The Black Flag fogger does not do a good enough job on its own.
You would probably wipe out your Lizard population doing that. They eat a lot of bugs.

I'm thinking the overspray might go places you wouldn't want it to go. It could be rather dangerous. The other problem I see is getting the mix correct. It would take some serious engineering.

I have 4 acres of palm trees. We use a 5hp centrifugal to water them through microjets. I hooked up a 1hp jet pump and pulled bug killer (My partner could tell you what kind. I can't even pronounce it) from a 30 gallon tank and injected it into the main 5" line. It killed every little black ant on the property. They were back in a month or so.