Mixing water from two different feed source

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New Member
May 26, 2011
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Zichron Yaakov, Israel

I'm new to this forum and kindly ask your assistance with an issue i need to solve.

I need to mix water from two different water source - Reverse Osmosis and regular tap water.

The pressure/water flow changes over time (filter condition) and i need to keep accurate mixture of both water.

With you experience, what will be the most safe, cost effective method to do this?

I was thinking that placing pump after each feed will assure accurate pressure and simple mixing valve will do the trick.

It's probably the quanity or volume of water that is the issue.
Are you talking about an under the counter RO system.
The RO system is not a staight through the filter system.
That's why it has a storage tank. It takes time to process the filtered water.

Maybe increasing the storage capacity or the size of the filter system is what you need. Can't pump what's not there.
It's probably the quanity or volume of water that is the issue.
Are you talking about an under the counter RO system.
The RO system is not a staight through the filter system.
That's why it has a storage tank. It takes time to process the filtered water.

Maybe increasing the storage capacity or the size of the filter system is what you need. Can't pump what's not there.

I'm attaching my concept design, does it makes any sense?
The forum should somehow get credit for supplying advice in the development of inventions, should one make it to production. It seems that a lot of concepts come through here and we never know if the forum had a role in its success or failure. Success, hopefully.
The forum should somehow get credit for supplying advice in the development of inventions, should one make it to production. It seems that a lot of concepts come through here and we never know if the forum had a role in its success or failure. Success, hopefully.

Yeah well, i never found a product yet that can do what i describe here, although it can be used for many purposes.

Aquariums in my case :)
I see. you need to mix the tap and the RO water for filling your aquarium. You can't use pure RO water and need to mix a little tap water to add the necessary minerals, etc. If this is what you want to do, you're going to have to be inventive. Your own suggestion may be the way to go. Were you looking to connect this to a float switch for automatic refill of pre-mixed water? Two feeds on two small pumps that are turned on by a float switch and mixed to fill the tank? Anyways, wouldn't the elements of tap water also vary from day to day and require a different mix. I can tell you that the ph and chlorine of my tap water can change over night.

I'm not concerned about chlorine since I'm going to filter that too.

pH fluctuations are reasonable in 5.8-6.5 range which is fine once i get the "right" mixture.

The output of this filtration system is going to be routed to auto top off valves.

My only concern is changes in water pressure due filter condition (that changes over time). that's why pumps might be the only way to keep pressure equalized from both filters it will assure that mixture is constant.

I was thinking maybe to add pressure regulator instead of pumps. but i don't know how accurate those units are.

This is probably one of those things that could be sorted out best by being there, but it sounds like you may already have the solution. You only need to put the parts together. Pressure regulators are reliable. Pumps are reliable, too. But, both are subject to wear, tear and defect. Roll the dice on that one.:)