Looking for Tips on Hiring an Plumber Apprentice

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New Member
Jun 25, 2018
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Any tips for Hiring an apprentice for my business? What should I be looking out for because we're fairly new.


Horizon Plumbing NQ
being early to the job would be a factor....that person isn't going to know much or anything.....its gonna be your job to mold him or her....start simple and give them a chance...they should show an interest...if they are staring at their phone then they are not driven enough..maybe you tell them to pull the tools out of the gang box so they know what they are....tell them to watch you while working on different thing so they have a idea what tools you need for different jobs have them clean or sort fittings so
they know they are looking at....im sure theres much more …...
if he is experienced
hand him a 2-- 3/4 fittings, tell him you want 4 and 3/16 centr to center
or what ever number you like
show him a work bench with all the tools he needs
then check his work
is it accurate
is it reamed
is the joint wiped
is there dingle berries
is it straight and square
next tell him to bring you the fittings you need to rough in a toilrt
and check his face book page,

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