Leak in bathroom

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New Member
May 10, 2019
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Hi Guys,

Im hoping someone could give me some suggestions in figuring out what is causing the leak.

I have a leak in the second floor bathroom causing water drip through first floor ceiling.
It only leaks when someone is in the tub taking a shower.
There is a closet on the other side of the bath tub. I cut a small hole to be able to see things a little more. You can see pics in the link below of what I can see from where the pipes are.
I can see from the closet side that water is dripping down from the tub ledge corner. But hard to tell for sure what is causing it.
It doesnt look like its the drain as its leaking from the top ledge corner of the tub.

I have removed the faucet handles and didnt see any leaks tehre, I also removed the cover which had a lot of gunk in it. From what I was told, the leak is less with the faucet cover off when the shower is being used but there is still a leak
looks like you have a leaking spout
and the water is dripping behind the tile, running to a spot where it drips onto the floor

time to rip that old faucet out and replace

with a new one,,
it looks like it has been patched and caulked a few times
that is bandaid stuff,
Hey, thanks for your reply.
I dont live here and I dont know why I'm having a hard time recreating the same issue... a little frustrating. I'd be more comfortable replacing stuff if I was able to see exactly where the leak is coming from without causing much more damage. It SEEMS like its something behind the tiles just out of view from both sides.

When you say replace the faucet, are you referring to replacing the chrome cover, as well as what I think is a valve rough in (The brass/copper thing seen from the tub side when the chrome cover is taken off)? or do I need to remove even more from the other side?
Any tips or suggestions on how to remove the brass/copper thing? Its welded on
In one of the videos I took from behind the tiles, I was noticing a constant drip while somone was using the shower. The water would have been diverted to the shower head as opposed to the spout.

This is what it looked like so it does seem to have some sort of aerator but I think water still had gone back towards the wall judging by the calcium deposits and wetness.

I was a little confused though when they told me it had still leaked with the cover left removed as well. Maybe I'll have to put plastic and tape up the wall to be extra sure they weren't directing the shower head to the wall or something... or maybe ill have to start removing tiles to follow the leak which I dont want to do