Kitchen Drain Question

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New Member
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Twin Cities, MN
I'm remodeling a small kitchen in our 1979 townhome. The existing cabinets are gone, and we're changing the layout of the kitchen a little bit. The old sink was in the middle of a wall, so that's where my drain piping and supply lines are.

The design that we're thinking about changes to a corner sink which moves it a little over 6 feet.

It seems to me like I could just install the disposal & p-trap at the sink, then route the drain & supply piping in the horizontal plane (sloped a little, I would expect) inside the cabinet boxes as long as they were supported correctly. Is there any reason that I couldn't (or shouldn't) do this?

Second question - in typing this post, I came across what might be a huge problem with our design. If we do this, the drain piping would need to pass behind the dishwasher. This won't work, will it?
Yes you could do that but it would kind of be a unfinished thing to do. If that's all you can do than its what you have to do.

1) Does the house have a basement?
2) Is it a peir and beam?
3) Can you gain access to the wall and run an 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 line through the wall studs?
It is a split level home, so I should be able to route a line under the floor if I have to. I'd rather not attack the wall since it's load bearing and shared with my neighbor.
What you are not considering the distance that the sink will be from the vent. Four feet would be the maximum distance you are allowed to go. And that's if the vent is located where the line exists the wall. Which in most cases if there is a window over the sink it isn't.

dont touch the party wall.. they are loadbearing. ( the neighbours and yours' wall )