Is this a discharge line?

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New Member
Aug 6, 2011
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Phoenix, AZ

I am installing an RO system. The instructions suggest drilling a hole into the drain and running the drain tube into the drain pipe. The house was built about 3 years ago; there is a garbage disposal.

However, I noticed this blue pipe and am thinking this is a discharge line for RO systems. Rather than drill the hole into the drain pipe, and hear the water trickle, I can just attach the drain tube into the discharge line?

I can't think what else this can be, other than some type of venting pipe?

The pipe is on the left of the cold water supply.


blue pipe drain.JPG
I can't exactly be sure from the picture, but my guess is that the blue pipe is flexible electrical conduit. Is it corrugated?

Also, while I do not have experience with RO systems, I would be very hesitant to directly connect one to the drainage system. I would think that it should discharge through an air gap.
Thanks for the response, phishfood. It is not corrugated, more like 1" cpvc. The air gap is connected via the RO faucet and discharges through the drain. I probably will knock on a neighbor's door, since these are condos and built by the same builder.
I don't think I would use it not knowing what it's for or where it's going. You should have a fitting with the RO unit that clamps onto the tubular waste pipe for the sink, that requires you to drill a hole in the line. Just be sure you do it on the sink side of the trap.


P.S. this is the same response I gave you on another plumbing forum.