Is it safe to tap into a 24" main?

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New Member
Jan 5, 2011
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Dallas, Texas
Long story short we have a 1983 Ranch with the original septic system. System needs to be replaced but city has a new policy requiring homes to connect to city sewer. We have a tap in our front yard that taps directly to the 24" main that was installed when they widened the road in 2000.

City(Waste water Dept) said yesterday they would not allow us to use that tap because it should not be there. They say the sewage will back up into our house as well as the sewer gasses. They say there should not be any 4" taps directly to the 24" main. City (inspections & permits dept) will not allow us to install a new septic system because of the Mandatory connection policy.

They call today and said they will allow us to use that tap, they will not let us install a new septic, but want us to sign a wavier, stating we understand we are tying into a 24" main.

Ok so that wasn't short but is it OK to tie into a main? I don't want to do something that could cause my family harm. Should I fight for the new septic or accept that because they said it is ok today, it is ok??
I don't quite know how to answer that question. And while I think you are very wise looking for a second opinion, remember that this is the internet, and any advice that you might get here is worth exactly what you paid for it.

That said, it does strike me as very odd that they are asking you to sign a waiver. I would do some very careful research. I think that the professional that would be able to answer that question authoritatively would be a civil engineer.

If you do end up tying into that tap, you might consider having a backwater valve installed. The purpose of a backwater valve is to stop sewage from backing up into your house in case the main line does back up.
I tie into 24" Mains all the time and have never heard of back up issues but that does not mean they don't exist. Personally if they are OK with you tapping in I would also recommend a backwater valve, they are cheap and can prevent unwanted sewage going the wrong way. Chances are they just don't want a 4" tap on the main line but unless it is a force main I don't think there is much an issue. If I were you I would ask more questions like why would it be bad and how would the sewer back up. I am not saying it is OK but in my experiences I have never heard of backup like that. let us know what you find out.