House Doc
"If it's broken we fix it
For someone that's tagline is "Call me MacGyver" and has an icon is "Half-Cocked" you sure lose the spirit of this forum.
What you are saying is that, in your opinion
the cost of that job to the customer is $150.00
lets use your numbers,
a plumber is an hourly employee, lets just say for this job. your plumbers wage is $20.00 an hour
A helper's wage for this job is $10.00 [ liberals will scream it is not $15.00]
that job will take a minimum of 3 hours to complete. that is also the low side [trying to be fair]
so. we have $90.00 for labor.
The pipe will cost around $60.00
the labor and the material, on the low,with out a mark up has busted your budget
no profit made,
I have kids in college, and expenses myself
you really need to rethink your thinking about plmbers pricing them selves out of work