help with baseboard system refill

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Active Member
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
detroit, michigan
I drained my closed baseboard heat system to sweat in a new zone controller. When I tried to refill the system it seems that some water went in and then it stopped refilling. I can't seem to get water in. It's a well not city water with about 45 pounds of pressure. I can open the four outlets for each of the four zones and no water or air comes out. It has an Amtrol pressure tank. I don't think the individual baseboard units have bleeder valves. The system has a low water safety switch so I'm sure it won't run until the system can refill. Does that stop refilling the boiler? Also, it has a bell shaped pressure reducer valve (?) that from what I can read can help refill by lifting the handle up. Nothing happens when the handle is lifted up even though the water supply is open to it. Water pressure is normal throughout the house but I can't figure out how to refill my boiler. Water doesn't even drain from the outlet at the base of the boiler. What am I missing? I need some help
Thanks John. On that auto feed, when you move the handle, it goes just past vertical near the top then stops. Is that the on position or does it need to be pushed further? It seems like it would take some force to move it further and I wasn't sure that was a good idea.
The lever you are talking about is what is called a fast feed. The lever will not go beyond straight up. With the lever down it is in the normal operating position. The fast fill is used to fill the boiler at a faster rate to make purging the air from the system eraser. As you stated you have no air vents on your system, purging is how you would remove the air from your system. First you need to get your initial problem solved. Then I should be able to walk you through purging it.

When I raise the handle to the fast fill position, nothing happens. Sounds like you are right about that needing to be replaced. The handle raises with no resistance at all and so i didn't know if that was correct. I've never tried to fast fill before. Time for a house call.
Well. It was open when the project began. I did close it once or twice in my search for the refill problem. All I can say is the valve leaked a little when I opened and closed it but I can't say for sure that it worked. Is there a good test? And maybe you can answer this one. The handle on the force fill valve seems to move up very easily, almost like it isn't really opening anything internally. Is that how they feel? Thanks for your time.
There should be some pressure against it that's why I questioned if the valve was broken. There could also be a lack of pressure it he fill valve shot. Is there a union on the fill valve? A picture of you fill valve and piping would help. If your not comfortable with replacing the fill valve it my be wise to call a qualified plumber at this point. If you feel you could do the work yourself I'm here to help you.

you can see the force fill valve. It is threaded in so I should be able to get one and replace it. In the other picture you can see the water valve upper right that feeds it above the expansion tank. I looked and the water valve has a cap on it. With the valve open it sprays water when I loosen that cap so i guess it's working. Looks like the fill valve is a problem.


There are no unions on that fill valve. To replace it will require you to solder some joints. As far as the valve by seeing the type it is I doubt that is your problem.

I see what you mean. I can sweat joints so I might try myself. Either way, I have to go to work tomorrow and I need to squeeze this in before it gets too cold. Better gather some firewood.
So here's the end of the story. I replaced the fill valve and I could tell by examining it the old one was bad, but when I turned on the water I got nothing. Come to find out the backflow valve just to the right of it was also stopping the water flow. I removed the backflow valve, took it apart as much as I could and was able to get it cleaned out and operational. Reinstalled it, turned on the water and it flowed like a champion. I bled the lines and life is good again. Thanks for your help John.