Heating Pipe in Vent Stack Chase

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New Member
Sep 25, 2011
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Nashua, NH
I just noticed that a 3/4" copper heating pipe (to an attic conversion) was run in the same chase as my home's vent stack. It is a return line. It is very close to the stack too.

It passed inspection, but is this okay or is this a recipe for a frozen pipe?

I don't have anti-freeze in my system either.
heat the area, or heat tape the pipe, with water flowing ( if it is a cold space ) you may not encounter freezing ( dont know how cold it gets there ) but it is a loss for the efficiancy of the heat system.

Is it possiblle to insulate the pipe ? this would likely ( not definatelly ) solve the potential problem.
I'm in NH so it gets quite cold and seems to be getting colder every winter. Unfortunately I can't access the pipe in the first floor wall. I have access to the stack on the second floor (bathroom not finished yet) so I can insulate that part of the chase, but the copper heat pipe only sticks up about three inches into that cavity and then exits into a bedroom.