Fleck 5600sxt 45k grain tank only 3.5 years old. Flawless performance up until last month. When the unit regens, it loses water pressure and volume. Right after regen it barely can fill a toilet tank. Over time 4-5 hours pressure and volume come back. Main water pressure is strong. The company that I bought it from said it sounds like a clogged or degraded resin issue, but resin usually lasts 7-10yrs. I have read chlorine can degrade resin rapidly. Used cleaning solution twice with with 3 regens, same issue. Took apart head. There seems to be no blockages. Strainer is not clogged. No stuck valves.
I don't want to spend the money on resin if it is not the problem. Any thoughts?
I don't want to spend the money on resin if it is not the problem. Any thoughts?