Drip in bathtub

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Jul 15, 2010
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Constant drip in bathtub


i have a constant drip which has become a constant flow of water from bathtub......i was going to replace the handles and the washers but when i went to take off the handle, the screw that holds the handle on to the valve, pretty much, went to pieces....there is no place to unscrew as i have a flat screw holding it on.
if i drill it out......will that take the handle out? or will i need something else? what size drill bit, and what type? i will probably have to replace the valve behind the handle as well (old house)......is this a job for a weekend repair guy or should i call a plumber?
thank you for any help or advice anyone can give....much appreciated.
new orleans
I think if you have the tools and decent idea of how things work you can do it in a day but if you lack those then you may want to call someone. I am sure some more guys will chime in with some answers to your specifics.
If possible, post a picture so we know exactly what type of valve you have in order to provide correct information. Replacement parts are readily available at your local big box hardware store, and should be a simple fix.