I'm working on a bathroom and will be adding a double sink vanity that will share the other side of a wall with a washing machine.
Looking for someone to tell me if they any know areo any code issues with my layout
It's a rough sketch so feel free to ask any questions. My main concern are making sure there aren't any issues with the 3 sanitary tees on the waste stack that will for both sink drains and washing machine drain. They'll start at the floor and finish around 18" above the floor so that the sink DWV is the right height and the washer trap arm isn't above 18".

I'm working on a bathroom and will be adding a double sink vanity that will share the other side of a wall with a washing machine.
Looking for someone to tell me if they any know areo any code issues with my layout
It's a rough sketch so feel free to ask any questions. My main concern are making sure there aren't any issues with the 3 sanitary tees on the waste stack that will for both sink drains and washing machine drain. They'll start at the floor and finish around 18" above the floor so that the sink DWV is the right height and the washer trap arm isn't above 18".