distance vent stack

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New Member
Jul 13, 2011
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burbank, ca
toilet stack 20 inches downstream from vent stack of sink, horizontal waste line. Leagal, or not, will it work? What bad stuff would happen? Can it service both? (Using a between-the-studs cistern. that's where a toilet vent usually goes, plumber made THIS run in the slab, cemented it back up, no side route for vent, I'm kinda hosed.)
if you are referring to a wet vented fixture ( the lav also vents the W.c. ) then you Are fine provided the pipe that also serves the lav is a 2" pipe, if so then it can serve as both a drain for the lav and a vent for the W.c. ( Canadian Code ) as a wet vented fixture.

I'd suggest checking on your local codes before proceeding however as these vairy widely across regions. I can say that it DOES work and is legal here.

I;m sorry I may not be properly understanding your terminology also... when you say " toilet stack " are you referring to a Vertical configures Soil stack ? ( a toilet is installed on the vertical ) or are you meaning to say a "branch" ( horizontal run ) I'm also not sure what you mean by "vent Stack" on sink...

Perhaps a quick drawing would better serve so we are all on the same page... \

If its what i think it is then you're golden to Go...

hope this helps. :)
I suppose I'll add that the dry section ( abover the Sani t picking up the lav ) Extending from the Wet vent ( the continuous vent ) can drop down to 1 1/2
Thanks so much! yes I DID mean to say soil stack, and what I called the vent stack is a single 2 inch vent pipe that serves the lav and connents to the hoizontal waste pipe in the slab. I can easily keep the vent to 2 inches. Yay! Now I can go ahead with no worries...

this is soil stack xx this is vent pipe xx
xx xx
xx xx
xx (20 inches) xx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "y" (wye?) connectors used
(this is waste pipe flowing right to left)
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i mean...
this is soil.XX....................XX
..............XX....this is vent.XX
this is waste, flows right to left, goes 2 inches to 3 1/2 inches in slab
you mean to say 3" in slab as they do not make piping that is 3 1/2 inches but It would measure close to 3 1/2 inches if you measured the outside of the pipe. it is sized by the inside.

You are Fine and dandy, The 2 inch pipe can be reduced even Where you install the T-wye to pick up the sink.. the dry section of this pipe ( vent ) can be 1 1/2 inches. and still have no problem venting the W.c. and lav, the Wet section of the wet vent must be 2", which it sounds like you have already.

Glad to help. :)
Thanks so much! I hired a real plumber who didn't do his homework about the gerebit wall cistern I want to use. I knew that this project was way over my head (as you can tell by my terminology that I'm a rank amateur). And I think he kinda dropped the ball. I get burned a lot when I hire out!!
Thank you so much for your patience and your help!!
No problem, Check References when you hire.. good plumbers will have good references and do good work.

Remember, the best dont Blabber on about ow they're the best, they work and let others take notice... this can be helpfull for digging through BS with people.

Good luck.
Also depending on what code you use, UPC states that all went vented sections must be a minimum of 2", while toilet vents must be a minimum of 2". Its been something we have done with thousands of homes, never had any issues with it.
Check local codes. I am sure Allaces is correct.

Here in Alberta if i remeber correctlly code states.

All wet vented sections that serve a water closet shall be 2" in size.

and the minimum size of the dry section of the wet vent ( the continuous vent ) serving a water closet shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 inches.